I received the 1st dose of the Moderna #vaccine and this information can help you

Well it's been an eventful couple of days. I'm in a really good place and there's a couple of reasons for that but for this post, I just want to focus on one in particular. I believe in karma, I'd like to anyway. I feel like you get back from the Universe what you put out into it and I have a perfect example to share. On Friday evening, someone reached out to me on Twitter and asked if I would help them spread a message that I truly believe in. Basically it was speaking to the facts about the COVID vaccine and why it's so important that everyone gets it. I don't hide my views on this and I was happy to help any way I could. I was…


I’m starting to write a new chapter in the book of my life

I've haven't written anything super meaningful in a long time. The truth is that a I've written so much over the years that I've sorta burned out. There's something like 12,500 articles on this blog and I've written 99% of them. The rest is guest or sponsored content. I mean, gotta pay the bills right? I've got so many new followers that I've been able to get away with not putting a great deal of new content out because people are reading the older stuff for the first time and it helps them. It's not like there's a shortage of things to read. It's sorta cheating I suppose but I've been spread pretty thin and found writing a bit overwhelming. That's one of the reasons I started the podcast. It…


I’m pretty excited about the coming weeks

The kids have been driving me crazy all day but that's their job, right? Kids are supposed to drive their parents nuts just like we drove our parents nuts. They were laying it on pretty thick today though and I'm not sure how fair that is.. Lol We actually had a pretty decent day. I got some work done, which is always good. I'm already 75% done with this Friday's episode and I even have the sponsor ad done as well. All this on a fricking Monday no less. Couple of cool things coming up. Dr. Webby, from St Jude and the WHO will be on the pod to talk about the current status of COVID. We're gonna talk the importance of the vaccines, as well as dispel some of…


The Nooie Cam 360 (REVIEW)

I'm gonna be brief with this because there isn't a tremendous amount that needs to be said. I've been testing out the $50 Nooie 360 Camera for a few weeks now and it's unbelievably awesome. The Nooie Cam 360 is a wireless indoor camera that records and streams in 1080p. The camera can record to the cloud or micro SD card that inserts right underneath the camera ball itself. This camera can be triggered by motion and/or sound and works crazy well in the dark due to its night vision feature. There's also 2 way audio so you can easily use it as a monitor for your kids. The Nooie Cam 360 rotates and pans up and down. The camera will track, record can follow motion. While some people want…


I’ve been on #COVID lockdown with my 3 kids for 365 days

It's been a rough couple of days. Friday, March 5th marked the 365th day of COVID lockdown for us. It's hard to believe that an entire year has passed us by. This time has had a significant impact on us both physically and emotionally. A great deal has happened inside of this last year but the only thing that truly matters right now is that everyone in my home is safe. There have been tremendous sacrifices made in order to get to this point and while they weren't easy, I'm thankful that myself and my kids are safe. At the end of the day, we're still here and I can't express the heartache I feel for all the people who have died or lost a loved one due to COVID.…

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Time To Learn The Beauty Of Watching And Travelling On Trains

Traveling by train across any part of the world is a very popular thing, both among locals and among tourists. Today especially in Europe, the train and the history of the train is an incredible phenomenon. When we think of trains, we either envision the old steam trains or the new bullet trains that we see across parts of Asia. Both are impeccable in their design and style. In Europe, the interrail has been popular with tourists. It’s important to know too, that trains are actually incredibly sustainable. Here’s how.  According to afar.com, “Trains translate into 70 percent fewer emissions for a rail journey when compared to a short-haul flight and about half the emissions for a rail journey when compared to a long-haul flight.” Most of us have grown…


I’m trying to make my son’s 2nd birthday while on #COVID lockdown a happy one

As you may or may not know, today is Elliott's 15th birthday. Today also marks the second birthday in row that he's celebrated on COVID lockdown. While Lizze and I are trying to make arrangements for the boys to go over, it's not a quick process. There's a lot of planning that goes into visits when you are in the middle of a pandemic and have high risk people in both households. Elliott is bummed because he wasn't going to be able to see his mom on his birthday. As bad as this is going to sound, I was excited to to hear that he was feeling this way. The reason for that is not because I'm a dick but rather it shows me that he is indeed healing and…

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AirMax8L Air Purifier by Okaysou (REVIEW)

Okaysou sent me one of their AirMax8L Air Purifier to test out and judge for myself how they work. It includes two filters, washable pre-filter, removes 99.97% of air pollutants like dust, smoke, pollen, pet dander, hair, and even odors from rooms up to 800 square feet. I was excited to give this a try because we live in a house that's over a century old. There's no end to the dust in a house this old. I've been looking at air purifier for mold for awhile, especially since we've been in lockdown. I set this up in our dining room and let it run for the last month. I largely forgot about it because it was tucked away in the corner. After using this for a solid month, I…