My Moment of Clarity

I woke up this morning, super early, filled with clarity, and laser focused. The laser focused part might be a bit of an exaggeration but I wish I was laser focused. The clarity part is very true, however. Life is full of twists and turns, detours and delays, setbacks and forward progress, joys and heartaches, successes and failures. I have found that moments of pain can lead to a certain clarity that I wouldn't have gained otherwise. Sure, it's messed up that I can't seem to find that same clarity elsewhere but it's still positive, right? I'm going to keep being me. I'm going to keep bettering myself. I'm going to keep moving my kids forward. I'm going to keep growing my business. I'm going to keep believing in myself.…


Let them be who they are

Elliott made his triumphant return to the classroom, if only for a day. He had state testing and it went well, at least as far as he can tell. Mr. Elliott decided to dress up in his cosplay outfit, which I wasn't sure about. Personally, I didn't care if he wore it but I was a little concerned about how people would react. It wasn't anything crazy but it certainly wasn't street clothes. I didn't want him to be in an uncomfortable situation. He told me he wanted to do this while last night and I had my concerns but ultimately decided to let him be him. Apparently, cosplay is a big thing in his class, so no one thought anything of it. Also, I respect the shit out of…


Emmett returned to the classroom today

Today was such a big day, especially for Emmett. I haven't mentioned this in a little while because I wasn't sure what was going to happen. Today was the moment of truth and here's what happened. State testing is ridiculously mandatory this year, despite the pandemic. I have made my thoughts on that quite clear. It's flat out fucking stupid that we didn't skip testing this year. We know the scores are going to be lower but it's because our kids were surviving a fucking pandemic, not because they're incapable of learning or the teachers aren't doing their jobs. Sorry, I get pretty fired up about this but I digress. Anyway, Emmett was required to return to school for the testing process and he will be required in and off…


A Super Quick Update

It's been a pretty amazing day for those of us living in the The Autism Dad household today. The boys did well at school and I feel like I accomplished a good bit before I writing this, ready to call it a night. I just took a melatonin, so I'm gonna make this quick and painless. I should be getting the car back in the morning and hopefully, that will be the last time it's in the bodyshop. The boys and I are going to be moving our movie night from Friday to Wednesday because they will be at their mom's for the whole weekend. I'm really excited for them and for me. I'm looking forward to this weekend. Anyway, I will be finishing this Friday's episode a bit early…


I’m so excited about this week

I had a pretty good weekend and I feel relatively accomplished. The boys and I did some yardwork and will be planting flowers this week, weather permitting. We also began our descent into spring cleaning. We got a good bit done already and we're going to spend some time every single day continuing the progress. The boys head back to school in the morning. I still don't think it makes sense to do things this way but I don't make the rules. The boys are going to be at their moms all weekend and I'm so excited for them. It's been forever since they've been able to go over so I think it will do them a world of good. I feel like life is just coming together for us.…


My boys and I deserve to be happy

So I've come to a decision pertaining to our house and I feel pretty good about it. First of all, do we need to move? Yes! Would it be nice to move right now? Yes!  Is right now the best time to move? Probably not. There are so many changes going on in my life right now that making this kind of major move is probably ill advised. That being said, I do have a plan and if something does pop up that is a good fit, I'll definitely be looking into it. The current plan is to give the house a minor facelift. My Dad called this morning to let me know that he's excited to get the process rolling. The current delay is simply related to COVID. My…


Keep moving forward

Just a quick update to share with the class. Actually, a couple of updates to be more specific. But who's counting right? For starters, I just wanted to point out that if you read any posts on this site that strike you as odd, off topic, or just a little weird, you're probably not wrong. Part of monetizing this site means sponsored content. I'm not super picky about said content as long as it's family friendly. Just so we're on the same page I haven't lost my mind and neither have you. These things can be a little annoying, even for me but they pay the bills and keep the server online. So that's that. Okay, I also wanted to let you know that my recording equipment has returned and…

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New Beginnings

I've been working on this post for a few days and just couldn't get it right. My life has changed in so many ways over the last two years. The kids and I have been through a lot but that's not really a secret. Recently, we've begun to emerge from our hybernation of sorts and re-enter the world. It's kinda exciting. There are a few things that remain challenging but there are also a few things that stand to be life altering, in a very positive way. Work seems to be going pretty well. Mightier has finally finished with it's soft relaunch and they've made some really cool changes. You should definitely check Mightier out because it's an amazing tool for helping kids learn to manage their emotions. I'm excited…