Hopefully this is a step in the right direction

Emmett didn't make it to school today again, because he's not feeling well. I've been running around this morning but I've got a minute to publish an update before I go walking. Elliott got to school on time and without issue. Gavin's bloodwork was drawn and we are waiting for his numbers to come back. I'm unsure of where we stand in regards to his numbers right now, so I'm a bit nervous for those results. Gavin's becoming increasingly frustrating to work with on his IVIG infusions because he wants things done a certain way but unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. There's some flexibility within the IVIG infusion process but there are fundamental parts that include zero amounts of wiggles room. That being said, once his infusion was started,…


I don’t know what to do anymore

This post was meant to publish last night but I ended up falling asleep. At this point I'm unsure of what we will be doing with Emmett today. I'm hoping to get him into the doctors if he's still not feeling well when he wakes up. The poor kid was up until almost 1 AM. What I do know for sure, is that our morning is busy already. Gavin will need his IVIG infusion first thing in the morning. He will also need his bloodwork done immediately after dropping the boys off at school. I'm really, really hoping that Emmett is feeling better and that he makes it to school. He's been keeping up with his makeup work and that's helps to keep him current. Regardless of how he's feeling…


Natural Ways To Help Your Child with Autism

This is a collaborative post and therefore does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of this blog or its author. Always consult your child's doctor before starting or stopping anything, in regards to your child's health, both emotional and physical. Image Autism is a complex condition which affects many people in many different ways. When you find out that your child has a form of autism you may wonder whether or not your child will ever be able to overcome the many challenges they are likely to face.. Although autism is a condition which has no cure, there are actually some things you can do to help manage it.  There are so more natural approaches that can help to keep our children happy and healthy without visiting a Ambrosia…

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I’m really getting worried about Emmett

Lizze and I have been working with Emmett to help him fall asleep tonight. He's not feeling good again and hasn't been able to fall asleep. I'm getting worried about Emmett because he's really struggling with these tummy aches. His pediatrician has checked him out on many occasions but found nothing. I think it's time to return to his Gastroenterologist. He hasn't had to go back since his food allergies cleared up but I think it's a good direction to go in. Emmett wants to go to school today but he's clearly struggling. I think I'm going to get him back into see his pediatrician ASAP. I tried calling last night but I can't schedule something until the morning. I wish I knew how to help him but I don't.…


Thank you @dominos for treating us to lunch

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have read my rant about the truly awful experience Emmett and I had while at our local domino's Pizza last week. I was so frustrated and angry that I was live tweeting my experience, so I could keep my cool. Anyway, it wouldn't have upset me as much if it hadn't impacted Emmett so profoundly. He was very upset and felt we had been wronged, and we had been. Later on that day, domino's (corporate whatever department they're from) reached out and wanted to make it right. I explained to them what happened and they were extremely apologetic. Emmett and I accepted their apology and were prepared to move on from there. Domino's Pizza took it a step further and basically treated…


Have I mentioned how much I literally hate homework? Can anyone relate to this story?

Emmett missed most of last week because he wasn't feeling well. I had work sent home for him to work on so he wasn't so overwhelmed when he hopefully returns on Monday. Emmett is crazy smart and way ahead of everyone else in his class, so homework is something that should come relatively easy for him. Sometimes it is and other times it's a fricking nightmare. One of the things that Autism has contributed to this mess, is a very literal interpretation of everything. Emmett interprets things in a very literal, incredibly ridged way. There's almost no way to help him work through anything, when he's literally interpretating things. An example that we are struggling with this morning is this. The instructions for a math problem he's stuck on went…

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I surprised the kids today

The boys have had a rough week and I wanted to do something nice with them. Lizze wasn't feeling well, so she stayed behind to get some rest. The boys and I ran a few errands before I decided to surprise them with Cici's Pizza for dinner. Cici's Pizza is pretty affordable, especially on limited funds. I just thought that they were a huge help today and really helped after I went grocery shopping. They brought in the groceries and helped me put them away. We ended up at Cici's Pizza and the boys loved it. We had a full Cici's punch card so it was insanely cheap. While we all missed Lizze, she needed her rest. The boys did well while we were their and I'm really prod of…


This might actually be progress

I actually had a pretty good day for the first time in over a week. For the most part, I felt like myself again. That's a good thing because I've not been myself for awhile. I had a few rough patches today. I got very frustrated with the kids but I collected myself and apologized to them for losing my cool. When I say I had a pretty good day, I mean I wasn't sick, didn't cry and I was able eat without wanting to puke. I did experience anxiety and that wasn't fun but I survived it. This is progress and I think that's a really positive thing. If things continue along this path, I will be able to push through this and with any luck, put it behind…

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