What we’re doing for Mother’s Day this year

We're going to be celebrating Mother's Day a bit differently this year. My brother and sister-in-law, are having the family over for a cookout on Saturday evening. I'm pretty sure everyone is going to be there. It's not all that often that we all manage to be in the same place at the same time. I'm looking forward to going and I'm hoping the weather holds out.


I hate putting Gavin through this

After taking the boys to school this morning, I'll take Gavin to get this week's bloodwork done. If you're not already aware, Gavin needs weekly bloodwork in order to get one of his medications refilled. It's a huge PITA but it's a safety thing and since we don't want anything bad to happen to Gavin, we make this happen every seven days. It sucks having to put Gavin through this so often but we don't have a choice. He's also going to need his IVIG infusion as well. Assuming everything goes perfectly, he will only have to endure three needle sticks. After that, I hope to sneak a walk in before a conference call at noon. Outside of those things, it should be a relatively quiet day. I'd like to…


Fingers crossed and prayers sent

This is take two for this post cause the first one glitched out and disappeared. I'm gonna try to reproduce it as best I can. I played phone tag with Akron Children's Hospital today. I called this morning to get the results of Gavin's labs from last week and it turns out, they never received the results. We went back and forth a couple times but finally connected in the late afternoon. The nurse had managed to get the results and it turns out Gavin's labs came back normal. I love hearing those words in the same sentence when referring to Gavin. That was good news and it meant that we could move forward with his endoscopy. She went over the intake questions and when we hit the one about…


Anxiously awaiting Gavin’s test results

I just left a message with Gavin's Gastroenterologist at Akron Children's Hospital. We're supposed to call towards the end of this week to get the results of Gavin's labs from last week. We're looking for his ANC or Absolute Neutrophil Count. If his numbers are high enough, they will schedule the testing that needs to be done. If his numbers are low, which they have been for the last year or so, they will not be able to go forward with the testing he needs to have done. I'm nervous about getting this returned call because so much hinges on it.


3 Dangerous Effects of Chronic Sleep Deprivation

We all know that getting a good night’s sleep makes us feel great but few of us realize exactly how important it actually is for our long-term health. You may have heard people talk about the importance of getting ‘eight hours a night’, well, to be honest, that figure is just a guide. Just like we’re all different heights we all require different amounts of sleep. For some seven hours is sufficient for others nine is the right amount. What the research is clear on however is If you’re getting less than seven hours a night then your health will suffer as a result. Individuals who constantly get less than seven hours a night are referred to medically as being chronically sleep deprived. If this is you, there is a…


I slept through the night

I actually slept pretty good last night. For the last week or so, I've been struggling to sleep. I'm not sure what the deal is but bedtime has been rough. I feel great this morning and I'll probably try to sneak a workout in. There isn't anything that we really have to do today and I'm okay with that. I'm hoping to get some writing done and maybe get some work done around the house.


Major Update: The State of my Depression

It's been awhile since I opened up about my Depression and how I'm doing since discontinuing Paxil. It's been six months since I began the process of weaning off of Paxil. I never imagined it would as bad as it has been. No one ever warned me that Paxil.has such serious withdrawal symptoms for some people. You can read my awful journey in regards to coming off Paxil here. The last few months have been truly awful. I've been sick all the time. It felt like I always had the stomach flu because the nausea was almost unending. I couldn't eat, sleep or fully function. I'm a bit hesitant to say this out loud but it's been about a week or so since I've felt sick after eating. The nausea…

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I’m back and here’s the deal

I've finally everything up and running. Things are looking good on my end and I've converted everything (except my email) over to .org. I just wanted to drop a line, share that everything is finally done and that included Facebook everything. Please remember to click the Like/Share button when you read a post, I've got a ton of ground to make up and every Like/Share is a big step in the right direction. ☺ If you happen to notice amythinf out of whack, please drop me a line and let me know. I'm pretty sure I've fixed everything but when you've been staring at something for 3 or 4 days, it's easy to miss something.. ☺ Thank you for your continued support.