Why I’m so proud of Gavin today

As I've said many times, I'm trying to focus on the positive. It's not always easy to do but I've found that there is almost always something I can add to the positive column. Sometimes I have to look a bit harder than other times but there's usually something there. Today I'm needing to dig a bit deeper but I do have something positive to share with the rest of the class. I mentioned earlier that I had to take Gavin to get his blood work done. Historically, Gavin and blood work have been an absolute nightmare. Gavin wouldn't cooperate and would get very aggressive with the people trying to draw his blood. He would end up having to be restrained, security would show up and it never went well.…


Here’s how my morning has been

The boys got off to school without any issues. We were a few minutes late but we made it. ☺ I opted to go walking on the way home. Zero percent of me wanted to do that but one hundred percent of me knew it was best that I did. It's 24°F and that's pretty fucking cold. It was snowing as well and that made it a bit more uncomfortable but I was able to get 3.1 miles done. My intention was to return home, warm up and get something to eat but I knew that Gavin needed his blood work ASAP. I figured I was already in the car and we should just get it done now. At the moment, I'm waiting on Gavin done so we can head…


Being an #Autism parent is f*cking hard and life doesn’t make things any easier

It's been a minute since I've written anything publicly. I spent some time today writing but it was painful and unfortunately, necessary. I'm hoping to move forward now and put some of this recent shit in the rear view. All I can do is try. Life simply sucks sometimes, no matter now hard you try to see the positive. Life can suck even when there's plenty of positive things to celebrate as well. I've been struggling a great deal recently and if I'm ever able to explain in more detail, I will. For now, I'll simply say things have been difficult and this doesn't have anything to do with Lizze or the kids. This is all stuff from my childhood. I find it very challenging to focus on the things…