Mixed bag today…

Today we kept Gavin home from school because we need to meet with his teachers and discuss how he is handled in class. Gavin's teachers this year just don't see through the manipulation. They treat him like a victim. Anyway, Gavin is having issues keeping his hands to himself. He derives a sexual pleasure from physical contact with others. At school he has meltdowns daily. His reward for getting under control is a hug. Also they rub or roll balls all over his body because he likes it and it "relaxes" him. They haven't caught on that he may be having the meltdowns simply to get them to touch him. This is a huge problem. We met with Patti this week and decided that there will have to be a…


The latest…

I spoke earlier of Gavin's sexual aggression. This is what we are seeing. He is grabbing other mens croches. I don't mean by accident or innocently either. He slowly works his way there so as not to be noticed. He actions are deliberate. He is fond of putting his face in womens breasts and he is not above fondling. The most disturbing is his aggression towards his younger brother Elliott. Gavin is always trying to hug or kiss him to the point Elliott fights to get away. Gavin has been caught sneaking in and out of Elliott's room at night. We have an alarm on Gavin's door but he has figured out ways around it. He is also masturbating to the point of making himself bleed. He's only 10 years…


Feeling like a failure

After all the years of living our lives around Gavin needs I can't help but wonder if we are doing the right thing. To this point we generally know we are being effective because he gets pissed off at us. He's never sorry he did it he is only sorry and pissed off he got caught. Gavin doesn't retain much so we are constantly having to repeat ourselves. For example, I will ask Gavin to go get his shoes on or get something from his room. When I finally get his attention he goes up the stairs and comes right back down. The problem lies in the fact that all he did was go up stairs and come right back down having down nothing. No matter how much we love…

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Gavins home from first day back….

Just picked up Gavin. I really think the teachers this year don't believe us that he is pulling their strings. Gavin is extremely intelligent and very capable of doing his school work. Apparently Gavin needed a few "naps" today. Reality is that he didn't want to do what ever he was told to do so he had a "tummy" ache. I miss his old teachers they knew him so well. In all fairness to them Gavin is very convincing. No one believed us when we told them what he was capable of doing until they witnessed it for themselves. Gavin can play the victim and manipulate almost anyone into believing him. We have learned the subtle signs that let us know what he is trying to do. His doctors said…