Send me an angel…..right now

No sooner did Lizze leave with my parents for a meeting with Patti when Gavin completely lost it.  He is upstairs screeming for 30 mins now because he couldn't manipulate me into allowing him to go to bed instead of finishing his reading. He has gotten used to these meltdowns getting him out of things at school. Well guess what. That's not going to work here and the problem will be corrected at school. We usually pick our battles but this one I think is worth fighting.  He has to learn that he cannot resort to violence when he doesn't get his way. This is insane. The entire house is shaking.  I put on Monsters Inc for the kids and that drowns out the screaming.  This is the dark side autism. Violent…

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Today is another day…..

As I predicted last night, this morning was loads of fun. I think we 3 meltdowns this morning. I am hoping he has a decent day at school because I think his teachers are starting to catch on. This is when we are going to be having trouble because he can no longer manipulate his way through the day. Now he is being held accountable for his disruptions and behavioral issues. This is great news because he needs things to be as consistant as possible. We will have to see what transpires at 3pm today...Rob



Gavin appears to be cycling again. Just check on him and he was dancing and singing in the dark in his room.. I predict an interesting day tomorrow.. Rob Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®


When will it end?

They say God never gives you more then you can handle. I think God is over estimating our abilities just a bit. We are already drowning with Gavin. Now it appears that Emmett John is profoundly deaf. This means that he only hears certain frequencies. He is scheduled for the audiologist on Wednesday. He is also going to the children's hospital for a hearing test where they sedate him and administer sounds and then measure brain waves to see if he even processes sound. He is also going to go through the autism clinic because he still cannot talk and the family history (though no one thinks he is autistic). We have been teaching Emmett and ourselves sign language because he has no other way to communicate with us.…


Gavin’s “sick”

As I stated prior Gavin turns 10 in the morning. This morning started with a "tummy ache". This is a difficult situation to manage because Gavin tends to have "stomach aches" when he doesn't get his way. He has learned to use them as a manipulation tool to get something he wants or get out of something he doesn't want to do. It is sometimes hard to tell the difference between sick and manipulation. Today his tummy "conveniently" hurt. It seem to come and go depending on the situation. We made him stay in bed for a good part of the day for two reasons. We wanted him to learn a lesson if he was faking and get some rest if he wasn't. He said he was going to "puke"…



I have to thank my beautiful and amazing wife for helping me set this blog up. Be sure to check her out at http// Thanks Honey Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®


The weeks end

A lot has happened this week. Gavin's trip to the children's hospitalfor his heart went very well. Right now we have nothing to worryabout right now. We will re-check next year.We also met with his psychiatrist yesterday. He had the sex talk withGavin. Oh, I forgot, Gavin started puberty prior to his tenthbirthday. He turns 10 on Monday.We have a very small window in which to curb his sexually aggressivebehaviors. Dr. R said we have to embarrass Gavin when we catch himdoing these things. He said its the only way we will be able todiscourage the behavior. If we aren't successful in correcting thisbehavior he WILL become a predator.We haven't seen him do anything yet so we haven't tried this. I feelbad knowing what we are going to have to…

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Long weekend

We were graced with a snow day yesterday and so this is a very longweekend for us. Gavin actually did pretty good yesterday. While wehad some issues it was manageable.Today we were supposed to go to my parents for family pictures. Asusual that didn't work out for us. My wife is still sick and Emmett isalso.We discovered that gavin does really well with Wii fitness or WiiResort. He doesn't do well with typical video games (they tend tocause rages). These games are about exercise and control over onesbody. Gavin really needs this type of help. We are going to try thisin small spurts at first and see how he does. If nothing else hesleeps better after wearing himself out.Lost and Tired-- Sent from my mobile device