The incessant talking is slowly eroding my sanity

It's going to be a hectic day. We have four appointments to get to, and the logistics are a bit challenging. Emmett has an appointment for his legs this morning. We will drop Elliott off at school and head straight to Akron Children's. Lizze and I will need to divide and conquer because, on the way to Emmett's appointment, we have to drop Gavin at the lab to get his blood drawn for the week. After we're done, we'll drop Emmett off at school and likely head home for a short time before returning to the school for Elliott. From there we head to Akron for a few hours. Lizze's Mom is going to pick up Emmett at school, and we'll probably pick him up on the way home. We…


Just added a 3rd doctors appointment this week

We already have two out of town doctors appointments this week. The first is for Elliott, and it's in Akron, and the second is in Cleveland for Mr. Gavin. This translates to a shitload of driving that will far exceed the actual time spent in each appointment. Now we're adding a third appointment. This one is for Emmett and is in regards to his leg pain. It sounds like it could be growing pains, but with all the crazy things we have going on, we'd feel better having him checked out. I'm a little concerned because he says it's his bones that hurt and that it's not muscle pain. Either way, he's struggling, and if there's something we can do to help him, we want to know what that something…


It’s unbelievable what sometimes goes into getting my kids to school in the morning

It's already been an eventful morning, after a long night. When we last spoke, it was about 1 AM, and the boys were unable to sleep. Elliott fell asleep shortly after that but Emmett could not. His legs were hurting him too much, and he ended up sleeping in between Lizze and I. I don't know if he just needed the comfort, but he did fall asleep. Emmett was very concerned about going to school today because of his legs. He has to do multiple flights of stairs, numerous times a day. He also has martial arts as well. The poor kid is having to rough go at it, and he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to do these things because they would hurt too much. I walked…

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Will this be another sleepless night?

As our weekend comes to a close, we are faced with an unexpected challenge. For whatever reason, Elliott and Emmett aren't able to fall asleep. At this point, it's after 1 AM, and they've already had 5mg of melatonin. I'm unsure why of they are struggling tonight. I know Emmett has been complaining about his legs hurting. We suspect they're growing pains, but we are going to call his doctor this week. We're supposed to let her know if we notice anything because she's concerned that he's put on a lot of weight in a short amount of time. It could be a growth spurt but all his life, he's been inside the 13th percentile on the growth charts. Within a six month window, he climbed to over the 50th…


I hate chaos, but it’s an inevitable part of my life

I'm feeling a bit better today because I took some ZzzQuil last night, and slept like a baby. I think I actually got a solid 8 hours of sleep. That's both uncommon and awesome, all at the same time. There aren't any plans today outside of working in the house. I want to finish up the laundry and get it put away. Right now, my living room is drowning in laundry, and I desperately want out from underneath all that. I don't know if I've ever specifically spelled this out before, but I hate chaos. I hate it. Chaos is the absence of organization, and I love being organized. Unfortunately, chaos reigns supreme in my house because of the often unpredictable nature of the many Autism related challenges we face…


Why I sometimes feel completely overwhelmed

Today is one of those days where I'm not coping well with life. I'm feeling overwhelmed by everything going on around me, and part of me wants to run away. Everyone is struggling in their own way, and there isn't a great deal I can do to help. That's a powerless feeling, and it sucks. Some of the things I could have control over, I don't because I lack the resources to address them. That feels even worse. Lizze is very limited in many ways, so the bulk of everything is falling on me, and that's okay. Gavin is pretty much out of his mind (for lack of a better phrase), and the other two boys are not having an easy go at things either. I'm looking at a ton…

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I’m going to bed heartbroken

We had a great afternoon/evening at the movies. Avengers: Endgame was amazing. I'll leave it at that cause I don't want to ruin it for anyone. I'm so grateful that we had the opportunity to do this as a family. ☺ Unfortunately, that's where the awesome news ends and the bad news begins. After the boys went to bed tonight, Gavin came downstairs to take his bedtime meds, but before he did that, he needed to tell us something. I've grown to dread these moments because when he says things like this, it's seldom something I want to hear about. Gavin informed us that he wouldn't be able to help out around the house tomorrow because "I'm going to be needed at HQ a lot cause Sonic has a really…


Sometimes I need to feel normal

I'm going to put aside all our problems for today because Avengers: Endgame is out and we're going this afternoon. The kids get out of school at 3 PM, and we're going to head straight to the theater. I hate using the word normal, but the truth is, sometimes it's important to feel normal. Sometimes it's beneficial to get away from everything that's making life stressful and forget about our problems, even if it's only for a few hours. The kids have had a rough couple of weeks, and we've always made it a point to go see the Marvel movies as a family. We don't get to do a ton of cool things but this is something we can pull off, and the kids love every minute of it.…