The weekend

Gavin has slept most of the day like we knew he would. Zyprexa (sp?) has a sedative effect on him. What really crazy is that if you or I took that amount of this med we would be out for a very long time. Gavin just gets sleepy when its adjusted and that's it. His body handles meds a lot different then most. He metabolizes them very quickly. That is one reason stabilizing him medically is so tough. It should be a relatively quiet weekend. Elliott Richard turns 4 years old next week. I can't believe it has been 4 years already. Got to start thinking about dinner. Lost and Tired Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®



We kept Gavin home from school today because he started his increased dose (double) of his anti-psychotic. This will have him sleeping for most of the day. There is no point sending him if all he will do is sleep. So hopefully by monday most of the sleepiness will be gone. All the kids are in a mood this morning. Elliott Richard wouldn't go to sleep last night and Emmett John wouldn't stay asleep last night. So Lizze and I didn't get much sleep either (par for the course). Maggie chewed off her bandage last night but seems to be doing ok. She ran through broken glass the other day (that someone threw into our yard) and shredded her back foot. She is doing much better now. That's it for…


Quick update

This has been a really long week. We met with the school to discuss teachers. That went really well. Gavin had Dr. R yesterday. He is defiantly manic. Waiting on blood work in order to address bipolar meds. We learned that Gavin has an actual God complex. It is part of the bipolar. He starts increased anti-psycotics in the morning. He had a rough day today so hopefully friday will be better. Both Elliott and Emmett's sleep cycles are thrown off. They are up around 5am each morning like clockwork. Speaking of Emmett John he goes to the children's hospital on the 29th of March for the ABR testing. We also located sign language classes for us. Lizze is still adjusting to her meds increase but is hanging in there.…



Its been a bit since I posted but I have just been to tired and overwhelmed. Things are about as bad as they have been. Gavin is manic and we can't get in to see his doctor till march. As a result the stress level is through the roof. He picked up a full 5 gallon water jug and tried to hurl it yesterday. He was mad because we caught him lying to us. Lizze is really struggling with her fibro and everything that goes along with that. Pain management has doubled all of her meds so she is extremely sleepy all the time and impossible to wake up. But she is in so much pain all the time it's very difficult to watch her move around because you can…



Today has been the longest ever. Everyone seems to be on edge. No one seems to be sleeping well. Emmett John appears to be getting sick again. Elliott Richard is bored and suffering from cabin fever. Things have been sort of uneventful the past day or so. Which is good, obviously. But today went down hill pretty quick. Gavin was sitting on the couch watching TV this afternoon with us. Elliott Richard was sitting on the couch also. Next thing we know Elliott Richard is curled up nest to Gavin and Gavin has both arms around him with his hands on Elliott Richards butt. Gavin announced to everyone in the room to look at him because he was snuggling Elliott Richard and don't they look cute. We removed Elliott Richard…


Yeah Super Bowl Commercials

This has been a rough weekend. Gavin is extremely manic. Lizze and I are losing our minds. He is all over the place. He asks the same questions over and over again. The rest of the time he doesn't make any sense. We were supposed to celebrate my mother's and Gavin's birthday. It got moved from my parents house to my brothers house due to the snow (no where to park). We let Elliott Richard go with my sister but the rest of us stayed back. We knew Gavin wouldn't make it. We can't take any more right now so we stayed home. Gavin has had a rough day and that would have pushed him even farther over the edge. He has to be at school in the morning. I…


Life goes on

Gavin seems to be going through another psychotic break. He is leaving reality behind and entering his imaginary world. He also seems manic at the same time. He has become very disorganized and very easily agitated. He has become a little "smart ass" for lack of better words. He is rude and disrespectful. It's even more frustrating because he has no idea what we have been through for him over the past 10 years. We have sacrificed everything for him. We did it cause we love him. For more info on that check out my wife's blog. Elliott Richard is all over the place and exhausting. Emmett John is his little partner in crime. Lizze's fibro medications aren't working anymore so they were just doubled. That means she will…



I have reached the point where I think I'm actually going to crack. Lizze and I both are on the far side of our limits. Lizze is in a fibro flare so bad she can't literally can’t move without tears streaming down her face. My back went out again a few days ago. Gavin is in the middle of a manic phase. He is up all night running in circles and playing with toys. He’s losing his grip on reality. He’s back in his imaginary world. In this world he’s the ruler of 9 other worlds. He is consistently destroying the evil enemies. He says he can “smell their dark evil”. When he is in this place he can’t remember anything (he remembers even less the usual). He has no…