Random stuff

Sitting waiting to go into Gavin's appointment. Trying to think thru getting our computer business back up and running full steam. I just built my new tower and it's running really nice. I also got most of my testing gear together. I got external burners and external docks for just about any HDD you can imagine. I am in the process of transferring my domain to a new host and my website will be back up. I am going to be working on some marketing things this week as I have time. We never actually shut down we just stopped pursuing new customers. I still had business but we had just to much going on to focus on both businesses. When the site is back up I post a link…

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Oatmeal. It’s what’s for dinner.

So Gavin had a bad day at school today. He refused to do his work and spent time with the principle. He came home and we discussed his day. He refused to take responsibility for his actions. He still owed me time from last nights drama and in light of the path he took at school he was awarded with oatmeal for dinner. Now he didn't like this one bit so I know that it is effective. And let's be honest, oatmeal is good for you anyway. We aren't starving him. He just doesn't like oatmeal. It's really the only deterrent we have left that works to some degree. We are running out of creative ways to give him consequences for his actions. Anyone have anything that has worked for…


If I had hair I would pull it out

So we have been having problems with Gavin's school not handling him appropriately. There was little accountability for Gavin and that was a huge problem. I thought we had worked out most of the issues but apparently not. Gavin teachers are trying to teach the kids to listen to their "inner voice". I know there are some out there that are saying so what. I also know there are some of you out there saying "OMG what are they thinking". Here is why the "OMG's" are correct. Gavin has been hearing voices for a few years now. He is medicated for it but we are pretty sure he still hears them. Gavin's voices in the past have talked about killing, setting the house on fire ect. So now you see…

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Common Sense

One of the most frustrating and draining things about raising Gavin is the fact that he lacks common sense. I am very serious when I say that. Gavin does not have any common sense. That part of his brain just doesn't work. While he is extremely intelligent it's also "think to breath" so to speak with everything else. He doesn't recognise even the most basic safety things like the burner is hot or that's way to high to jump from. Honestly, Elliott Richard past him up in that department a while back. It's hard to always keep in mind that Gavin really doesn't function very well in the real world. It's really easy to lose your patience because all you see sometimes is a 10 year old doing things that…


Full circle

Last night Gavin had a HUGE meltdown. After an ok day at school he just wouldn't listen when he got home. He spent lots of time in his room but wouldn't stay there. He kept letting himself out. He got himself so upset that he was at the point of puking. So we decided to pause the punishment and let him just go to bed. He will make up the time today. I told him that he would be having oatmeal for dinner tonight. He hates oatmeal so it is a great consequence. I also told him that if he could make up his time today without a fit then he didn't have to have oatmeal for dinner. The choice is his. Lost and Tired


Riding the wave

On the ocean of life we are experience high tide's and low tide's. Sometimes there are even rip tide's that pull you out to sea. We have experienced many low tide's and many more rip tide's in our voyage so far. Today started out pretty low. We had to rush Lizze to the ER because yesterday she developed a HUGE bruise on her lower belly where they made the incision. I was concerned because the bruise showed up a week after the surgery. My parents came and got the kids and we were off to the ER. Everything checked out just fine and we were back a few hours later. My parents held on to the kids so we could get some much needed sleep. Later on I spent some…