terrible, horrible, no good very bad day!!!

This day has gone on forever. It was crappy to start with and it ended crappy. All three of the kids are sick, Elliott Richard and Emmett John have puked at least 2 times each today. Gavin is being weird even for Gavin. This doesn't make me feel good about the upcoming weekend. Lizze and I are both stressed to the max. We are both grouchy and irritable. Not a good combination right now. I hate the tension in this house. Something has got to give and give soon. I don't know how much more we can go through. We are both at our breaking point. We are both tired of waiting for Emmett John's ABR test that's scheduled for this Monday. The past 3 months wait has been killing…


illness is like the energizer bunny…..it keeps going and going…..

Well after our fun at the doctors the other day we found ourselves back there again. This time it was Elliott Richard (again) and Gavin. Elliott Richard's respiratory infection has gotten to the point that he is puking from all the coughing. Gavin just has the same nasty cough. Elliott Richard's antibiotics we changed to something stronger. Gavin is on the the same antibiotic as Emmett John. No sooner does Lizze get home from the doctors then Emmett John just pukes all over the kitchen floor. I can see this is going to be a fun night. Lost and Tired


Anyone out there looking for a nice video camera?

 I just put up our video camera on ebay to help generate some funds.  If you are interested or know someone who might be check our my ebay auction.  If not well that's cool to. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200454571997 Thanks Lost and Tired


Medication follow up.

We received a call from Gavin's doctor tonight. The blood work came back and we have to raise Gavin's depakote again. He now takes 1000mg in the am and 500mg in the pm. This doubles his morning dose. We go back in a week for blood work and medication tweaking. I'm pretty sure we are getting close to the ceiling on this med. I would just like to thank puberty for screwing with his already complicated body chemistry.... t took us years to find this combination of meds that worked. Now we may have to start over because I don't believe we can go much higher.  Looks like we may need t get back on the medication rollercoaster. Lost and Tired Lost and Tired



Gavin had an interesting day. By interesting I mean bad. I am becoming more frustrated with Gavin's school situation as a whole. We get a summary of his day, every day. They use moon's as the behavior grading system. Full moon is great and new moon is bad. So when we ask Gavin how his day was he says "8 full moons" as an example. We have been struggling with this because it doesn't appear to be very accurate. Gavin was sent to the principles office again today (this has become a daily occurrence) because he was out of control. He missed all of reading class because of his behavior. He received a 3/4 moon for a class he didn't even attend. Are they grading on a curve? On what…


Back to the doc’s

Deja vo? We are back to the doc's again. This time with Emmett John and Elliott Richard. Both have a temp and very wet cough. Lost and Tired


At the doc’s with Gavin continued

Gavin was very nervous while waiting. We get back there and he just starts screaming and he doesn't stop screaming until everyone has left the room. Everyone felt bad for him. I on the other hand was irritated with him. Is that wrong? I was the only one who knew it was just drama not really fear. If he was truly afraid then I was wrong. It was just so dramatic and as soon as they left it shut off. So there it is. A trip to get blood work done. On the plus side it only took 3 people to get the job done. It has taken 9 people in the past. Now we just wait for the results and see what the next move is going to be.…


What life is like: part 4

As I have said before raising a child like Gavin is nothing short of a challenge. What most people don't know is the toll takes on your marriage. The divorce rate for couples with an autistic child is about 80-85%. When you figure that Gavin's autism is just one of 8 different disorders that certainly adds to the strain. On top of that, the divorce rate for blended families is about 70%. We fall into both categories. I adopted Gavin after an 9 year long court battle. So we are a blended family. So the reality is that the odds are not in our favor. Add to that financial strain and other health issues and they sometimes seem like insurmountable odds. Lizze and I have always said that no one…