Children’s Hospital here we come….

As you may or may not be aware Emmett John has an appt. at the Children's Hospital in the morning. It appears that Emmett John is profoundly deaf. He has been to the audiologist and failed the test. Although he wouldn't let her but anything in his ears. He didn't respond in any, way, shape or form to ANY of the test they did complete. She said he can't hear anything 45db of lower (human voice) and most likely couldn't hear anything below 65db. She said he was at least moderately hearing impaired but probably profoundly deaf. However, because he wouldn't go along with the rest of the testing she couldn't say for sure. In the morning he is scheduled for an ABR test. He will be sedated and they…


i commuted his sentence

Today has been a really long day. We had our ups and downs. Gavin really struggled today. He had earned himself oatmeal for lunch. He had also earned it for dinner for throwing another massive meltdown and choosing not to get control of himself. He did very good during quiet time and never snuck out of his room. He didn't ask to come down a million times either. I told Lizze that he did so well I felt he had earned a reprieve with dinner. After dinner was a different story. He really pushed the limits. I think he took the removal of oatmeal for dinner as get out of jail free card. But today could have been worse. Everyone is sick but me. Lizze came down with it this…


a follow up to the “perspective” post

I should follow up by saying this letter was written about 2 years ago. The adoption was successful about 1 1/2 years ago. However, even after the adoption the grandmother still came after us. In Dec 2009 the fifth district court of appeals ruled that our rights (including Gavin's) had been grossly violated and that the court (in the small town that bio dad and grandmother lived in) has abused its power. This finally put in end to everything. Nine years of begging and pleading for someone to listen to us and to the doctors. Nine years of screaming to deaf ears that Gavin was being abused. We knew it and the doctors knew it. Nine years we will never get back. Lizze and I have never known each other…


To help put things into perspective……..

I thought I would post this.  This is the letter I wrote  to the judge about Gavin's adoption.  I know the content of this blog is not uplifting very often so I thought I would share this letter I wrote to the judge. Things weren't always this bad. I often return to this letter to help me put things into perspective.........  I removed any identifying information....... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What does it mean to be a father? I have been asked the question, Why do I want to adopt Gavin? This should be very simple to answer but it is not.  There is so much going on in our lives that I do not really know how to answer this question anymore.  In truth I have been working on this letter for quite some…


Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed.

Gavin got up this morning and went to use the bathroom. We make him sit because it's safer for everyone :) Well this morning for some reason he refuses to tell us he stood up while he was peeing. So he peed all over and our bathroom is carpeted (horrible idea but we didn't do it).So we wanted to find out what happened. He refused to tell us. We realized he could be embarrassed so we where very careful talking to him. His refusal to talk to us tells us that he was doing something he wasn't supposed to do. He has been throwing a fit for about an hour now. The kicker us he was never in trouble until he started melting down. I wish we had a better…


terrible, horrible, no good very bad day!!!

This day has gone on forever. It was crappy to start with and it ended crappy. All three of the kids are sick, Elliott Richard and Emmett John have puked at least 2 times each today. Gavin is being weird even for Gavin. This doesn't make me feel good about the upcoming weekend. Lizze and I are both stressed to the max. We are both grouchy and irritable. Not a good combination right now. I hate the tension in this house. Something has got to give and give soon. I don't know how much more we can go through. We are both at our breaking point. We are both tired of waiting for Emmett John's ABR test that's scheduled for this Monday. The past 3 months wait has been killing…


illness is like the energizer bunny… keeps going and going…..

Well after our fun at the doctors the other day we found ourselves back there again. This time it was Elliott Richard (again) and Gavin. Elliott Richard's respiratory infection has gotten to the point that he is puking from all the coughing. Gavin just has the same nasty cough. Elliott Richard's antibiotics we changed to something stronger. Gavin is on the the same antibiotic as Emmett John. No sooner does Lizze get home from the doctors then Emmett John just pukes all over the kitchen floor. I can see this is going to be a fun night. Lost and Tired