A great article on Vaccines and Autism
I found this article today while doing some research. I thought it was a good read. I'm not sure who wrote it. The article can be found here: (or read below) http://articles.sfgate.com/2010-02-07/opinion/17848204_1_andrew-wakefield-vaccines-autism A reality check on autism and vaccines February 07, 2010 Many worried and angry parents of an autistic child believe that vaccines may cause the disease. But it's pure myth - disproved by numerous studies and now a final slap from a British journal disowning a report that started the dangerous nonsense. Will these parents accept reality - and allow their children to receive shots against a dozen or more illnesses? And will fringe groups that play to fears of autism give up their indefensible claims? The answers can't come soon enough for public health experts. Vaccination rates,…