No Sleep

It's 2am and EJ is still screaming. He's been to the dr and nothing was wrong. He just had a bug. He's acting like it hurts to touch him. Maybe sensory overload? ER is sleeping on the couch. He came down crying. He passed out on the couch next to me. He just needed some comfort I guess. I'm going to go try to help Lizze with EJ again. Thank you for sharing our lives. LT


Am I Talking To Myself?

Am I talking to myself? I sure feels like it today because no one is listening. I have lost track of how many times I've repeated myself today. It's 9pm and none of the kids are sleeping. Lizze and I were going to have our first date night and its been a disaster. EJ is screaming and I can't help Lizze because ER and G will not stay in bed. I don't know what is going on in this house but clearly it has to stop. It's 85 degrees here and Gavin is in sweat pants, a tea shirt (long sleeve) and a hoody. He freaks out cause his window is open. We give him the choice, he either strips down or he has to have the window open or…


Gavin’s Continues Regressing

Gavin is acting strange, even for him. :e walks around with his eyes almost closed. He mumbles when he talks. When he talks each word is like 15 seconds apart. He said he wasn't feeling good and his tummy hurt. He looks like he's not feeling good. However, he could have been saying that to get away from ER. Either way we sent him back to bed to get some rest. I don't know if he's eaten anything he shouldn't have. Lizze caught him eating his toe jam the other night. So your guess is as good as mine. Now he wants back down and claims his stomach never hurt. I'm home with the kids alone so I can't battle him right now. I sent him back to bed. Cause…


The end to a another day.

I made it through the day in one piece. When you live with special needs kids that's saying something. I want to thank everyone for the constant support and compassion. Things are pretty tough for us now but we somehow always find our way out the other side. Good or bad. For better or worse this is my truth. Thanks for taking the time to share our lives as well as your own. I really enjoy the dialog and hope it continues to increase in the future. LT Thank you for sharing our lives. LT

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Long night

Last night seemed to go on forever. EJ was sick and fussy all night long and ER kept having bad dreams. I think I finally got to sleep around 3am. Lizze let me nap this morning and that helped. I just got ER off to quiet time and I'm going to just chill while everyone is sleeping. Maybe catch up on some "Splinter Cell: Conviction".... Thank you for sharing our lives. LT


Honesty Post

Look I'm going to be completely honest. Everything has gone down hill for me this evening. I thought I was holding it together but I'm done. Gavin is driving me absolutely CRAZY. He just can't do anything like he's supposed to. I'm only talking about things I know he is capable of. Simple 1 step tasks seem like we are asking him to reinvent the wheel. He stalls and stalls all the time instead of just doing what he is freaking asked. Everything seems like a game and the game is manipulation. I swear he plays head games with ER. He wants to play then doesn't want to play. If he does play he is the only one that is allowed to have an imagination. Anything ER imagines is quickly…


Rough Day…

Today has been one of those days, again. It started out with EJ not sleeping well last night (which is later explained). He was up several times last night. On one time Lizze went downstairs to get his sippy and she fell down the steps. I swear this stair case is out to get us. She is really sore, more then usual but ok. Emmett John spiked a temp this afternoon of 103F. We had to pick Gavin up from school early in order to get EJ to see Dr. H. It appears he has strep throat. We are waiting for the rapid culture to come back. If positive then it's antibiotics for him. Dr. H doesn't hand out antibiotics like candy, one of the many reasons we like him…

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Autism,Consequence and Needed Advise

I posted last night about Gavin sneaking out of the house. Lizze and I have been talking and decided that there has to be some kind of consequence for his decision. I just don't know what that should be and if it's even to late to do it. We can't let it go unaddressed but nothing seems to work. I don't think he would typically be able to escape without us knowing but it's possible. Any ideas? Talking won't work. Going to bed earily won't either. Help. LT Thank you for sharing our lives. LT