Another long day……

Gavin was in rare form today. He was in "I'm not going to listen to you" mode all day. If I didn't know better (maybe I don't) I'd swear he was doing it on purpose. He just seemed to be all over the place today. I lost track of how many times he ended up in his room to decompress. I knew it was going to be a long summer but I just didn't know how long. LT


The Drama that comes with autism

If you are familiar with autism you probably already know there can be quiet a bit a drama that goes along with it. Gavin can be the king of drama at times. Today he got in the middle of the dog and cat "playing" and he got a tiny barely visible scratch from the cat. Not that it didn't hurt but he started screaming like he had just been stabbed. Sensory issues are at work here to but honestly it was drama. He was fine for a minute then realized he could squeeze it to the point it would bleed. By bleed I mean basically turn red. As soon as he saw the "blood" he totally lost it. He kept squeezing so more blood appeared and then he would scream…

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Join the Lost and Tired Network.

I started a community as an extension to this blog. I would like to invite everyone to check it out. I want it to be a safe place for all of us to go and share our stories. You can post what you need to post. I ask that you keep it clean and respect everyone. I want this network to be able to provide information and support to those in the community who may be struggling. Sharing your story, good or bad may give someone the hope and strength they need to get up and move forward. Anyways, I'm not sure how this will work out but you have nothing to lose. Here is the link Lost and Tired Network


Knowing is Awareness

Since I started this blog I have wanted to really be able to help others going through what we are going through. There are so many families out there that are "Lost and Tired" just like us. There are also families out there that are just now beginning the journey into autism and have no idea what to do. It's overwhelming and honestly quite terrifying. I want to be able to reach out to these families and let them know they aren't alone. I remember what it was like when I first heard the words "Gavin is autistic". I felt my whole world come crashing down. That was five years ago. Now we are going through that again with EJ. Along the way we have learned a tremendous amount. We…


Gavin’s Weekend

This weekend was pretty good. Haven't had a good one in a while. Saturday was my grandmothers 85th birthday and everyone went to surprise her. Lizze and I had to stay back because she had a med change and a doctors appointment. My parents took all the kids for most of the afternoon and Gavin overnight. Elliott Richard and I camped out in the living room watching king of the hill on netflix. We got up this morning and ran some errands. I did yard work and then we had a bonfire. Gavin got home around 5 or 6pm and had dinner and went to bed. He was exhausted. EJ and ER went to bed without a problem. Lizze and I watched "The Alphabet Killer" on netflix and called it…


Raising Autism Awareness?

Where I live in Ohio there is little to no autism awareness. Nothing was done or even mentioned for autism awareness month. There really isn't anything dedicated to autism at all. How do I fix that. We do have a charter school. Gavin goes there and it's amazing. There are no fundraisers or billboards. Autism needs everyone's attention and everyone's support. Does anyone have any ideas? Aside from sharing our story with as many people as possible, I don't really know what to do. I know there are more families out there like us but there is no communication. Do I form a support group or maybe an advocacy group? We have neither here. I know I would like to set up some type a local network providing people with…

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