It has been an “oatmeal” kind of day.

It's been a rough day but Gavin has been very difficult. Gavin has listened at all today. He just seems to ignore the rules anymore. I swear to God if I hear him say "I'm sorry" one more time my head is going to explode. He's only saying sorry because he got busted. He doesn't learn from his mistakes. We are seeing more of the mental health issues at work here. These problem's go way deeper then Autism alone. I honestly don't know how much more of this I can take. I gave him chance after chance today and he still choose poorly. So he had oatmeal for dinner. He had almost 30 min to eat a really tiny bowl. He didn't cause he was stalling. What he didn't know…

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It has been an “oatmeal” kind of day.

It's been a rough day but Gavin has been very difficult. Gavin has listened at all today. He just seems to ignore the rules anymore. I swear to God if I hear him say "I'm sorry" one more time my head is going to explode. He's only saying sorry because he got busted. He doesn't learn from his mistakes. We are seeing more of the mental health issues at work here. These problem's go way deeper then Autism alone. I honestly don't know how much more of this I can take. I gave him chance after chance today and he still choose poorly. So he had oatmeal for dinner. He had almost 30 min to eat a really tiny bowl. He didn't cause he was stalling. What he didn't know…


I want a do-over for today

So I go to my mailbox and get a letter from the bank that we over drafted. So I log in to my account to see what happened. I looked over the account and ALL activity. I should have never over drafted. I was never over my limit at all. The over draft or should I say over drafts (4 total) however have caused lots of over drafts themselves. I have a call into the bank and I'm sure they will figure it out but until then I have lots of money but it looks like this. "$ -xxx.xx". :( At least they didn't screw up the business account. Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.


Autism and the school year

So I have been thinking. Wouldn't Autistic children benefit from a year round school year. It would prevent or help to prevent the loss that occurs over summer break. The kids love and need their routine. It would also serve as a sort of respite for parents. Gavin would benefit from this tremendously. He loses far to much progress during summer break. I know funding is an issue but there are always ways around that. Just a thought. LT Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

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Gavin, Gavin, Gavin

ER was playing Toy Story Mania on the computer. Gavin started telling him what to do which makes ER frustrated. I told Gavin he had to stop or he was going to his room. BAM, not 5 mins later he's yelling at ER to get more points. So he went to his room. We try to be as consistent as possible. He needs to abide by societies standards and laws in the real world. So we have to teach him while we can. LT Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.


Day 2 of camp

ER is off to camp again today. He is thrilled to be there. Hopefully this will bode well for preschool this fall. Gavin has already been to his room twice. The first time was for not listening and the second time I can't remember but probably has to do with not listening. He keeps trying to have these bizarre conversations with me. I can't really explain because they didn't make any sense and to be honest I was filtering it out after a point. He gets frustrated because I can't follow what he's saying. Sometimes he will ask me if I remember when he was six years old and he watched spongebob at grandma's house while eating peanut butter and jelly? First off if he was there it was probably…

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Night Terrors and Autism

Emmett John is up again screaming. He screams and flails around. This is just like Gavin did when he was little. He will bang him head around if we let him go. Lizze finally took him downstairs for a change of scenery. Hopefully he will go back to sleep. LT Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.



I don't know what's going on with Gavin. He just doesn't let up. He doesn't seem to be able to listen. He has really lost the ability to retain things. We have to constantly be on him about everything. I feel bad because it feels like we need to cut him some slack but I don't know that we should. For example: Tonight Gavin wanted a cookie my mom had brought over. We told him after dinner. He ate dinner and wanted the cookie. We said wait a minute and we'll get it for you. He then went into the kitchen and took what he wanted. When we stopped him he said he thought we told him to. We were very clear in our instructions to wait and we would…