Happy Birthday Emmett John

In about an hour and a half (1.5hrs) Emmett John will turn 2. While our journey thus far has been challenging to say the least. It has also be wonderful beyond words. At this time 2 years ago the NICU team was arriving and everyone was getting ready. Lizze and I were terrified something was going to happen like it did with Elliott Richard. Everything went smooth and Emmett John came into this world perfectly. My amazing wife spent 8 months on bedrest to keep him safe. This is her day as well. Happy Birrthday Emmett John. I love you. Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.


What did you have for dinner?

-Disclaimer for Trisha- don't read this if you are going to be eating. I guess that would apply to all. So Gavin has been having GI issues. Dr. H has us keeping tabs every time he goes potty. We have to see it before he flushes. We also keep a food log of what he's eating as well. Gavin had another GI "episode" today. So I asked him if he has been eating anything that we haven't given him to eat? He began nervously pacing so I knew this wasn't going to be good. So I start questioning him. What are you eating? He says "nothing". Eventually he says he has been eating paper. So we start the process again. What else have you been eating, I asked? "Nothing" he…


Gavin Update

I got both of my little men in bed and sleeping. Lizze is with Gavin at Dr. R's. Hopefully we will have some idea of what is going on with him. I'm waiting for them to get back. Will update as I get the information. LT Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.


Racing thoughts……

I came up stairs to go to bed and EJ is peacefully sleeping. In the next few hours he will most likely start screaming. I wish I knew what was wrong. I wish he could tell us. I wonder if he will ever speak. If he does, what will his first word be? Sometimes the pain is just to much to bear. I wish the rest of the world would understand what this is like. I be happy if just the part of the world I crossed paths with understood. I wish bill collectors would understand that things are really rough for my family at the moment and stop asking for money I don't have to give them. I wish there was a visible sign I could wear that would…

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Our good friends Deb and Marc posted this to my facebook page. I don't what to say about it. I haven't stopped crying yet. I wanted to share this with everyone and thank Deb and Marc for their unconditional love and support. They are truly the definition of friend. This truly portrays what being an AU parent feels like. All I could think about was our little Emmett John. This puts into words what I feel every day. Please pass this video along and spread Autism Awareness..... Thank you.. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm8XRp1VgT4]


Gavin Update

Well we finally got an appt for Gavin to see the doctor. He goes tomorrow night. I really hope they can help us figure out what is going on with him. Today walked into a wall as I passed him in the hall way. I have no idea what to expect when we go. Maybe it's medication related but I doubt it. I'm paranoid sometimes that we don't feed him enough. But his doctors all say he is good. We have to restrict him because he can't regulate himself. It doesn't feel good to deny your child food even if it's in their best interest. Hopefully we will have more information tomorrow night to pass along. Until then we will just buckle down and make it through as we always…



Hey guys just wanted to let you know that if you read some off topic posts it's because it an getting paid to review some site and things like that. I kind of feel like I'm doing a disservice to this blog and topic but we really need the income. I thought I would be honest and let you know what was going on. You may not even notice the posts cause I will try to blend them in pretty well. Thanks for the understanding and support. LT Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

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We need to find a van…

We used to drive a nice Saturn L200 but honestly it was to small.  We were without a car when we lost it. My aunt and uncle gave us a Kia Sportage and that got a through some tough times. When the electrical system went completely nuts (apparently a known and non-repairable condition) we had to finally put her to rest. We are very grateful and lucky to have such generous family.  Then my parents fixed up their Chevy Lumina and gave that to us. We are currently still driving that. However, with the behavioral issues some of our kids have (namely Gavin) we have safety issues to worry about. So we are in the market for a new or nicely used mini-van. We have found that the pilot seats work…