
Expectations. When you have an Autistic child/children at home how do you know if your expectations are realistic? Gavin's abilities can change from day to day. It's important to push our kids to be the best they can be. At the same time you have to be careful not to push them to be more then they can be. Posted with Wordpress for Blackberry by LT


New medications day 2

We are almost done with day 2 of the new meds. Gavin doesn't seems much different. It's probably way to soon to notice anything anyways. He is extremely confused all the time. He doesn't remember even the simplest of things. It's beyond frustrating. I actually hate the sound of my own voice now and don't even want to talk anymore. It's that bad. I know it's not his fault but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with. We are going to have to re-think some things around the house to make it easier for him to remember more often. We have to do whatever we can to reduce the stress in the house. We are and have been at the threshold on what we can handle. LT


Sorry for all the posts…

I have been trying to get twitter to work again but it must be on their end and not mine. I loved auto posting to twitter and facebook as it's far less work. Facebook is working great but twitter is a mess. Anyways, sorry if you have been bombarded with tweets today..... LT



One of the biggest issues with parenting an autistic child is the effect is has on your "typical" or non-autistic children. That is something we struggle with day in and day out. Younger brothers look up to and idolize their older brother. ER is no different. While there is talk about whether or not he's on the spectrum some where he is a typical child. ER tries so hard to connect with Gavin but it just never really happens. ER has also begun picking up Gavin's violent "vocabulary". Gavin used to be obsessed with death and the killing of things. While he never did anything in real life we have plenty of hand drawn pictures. We must not be watching close enough because now ER is playing the same way.…


A busy but better day

Today has been pretty busy. I had some running around to do and ER had camp. Gavin had a pretty good day. He started the new meds this morning. He spend most of the day in a state of confusion. I don't know if he has hit another regression phase or it was the new meds but he was defiantly out of it. Lizze got to catch up on some much needed and well deserved sleep today. ER had a great day at camp again. EJ had a relatively good day but a real rough evening. I felt exhausted but ok. We have nothing going on tomorrow so. I hope its more relaxing then today was. LT


Welcome to the new “Lost and Tired” blog

I am extremely excited to have moved to wordpress.org. I now have a lot more freedom and control over how everything works. I have been wanting to do this for a long time now. I want to thank Stuart Duncan for all his help and patiences (I had lots of questions).  Without his help this move would not have been possible.  I'm very grateful and humbled by his actions. If you don't know who Stuart Duncan is you need to check out his blog: Stuart Duncan: Autism from a Father's Point of View. Stuart writes about his families journey through life with an autistic a child. It's a really good read and I encourage all of you to add it to your must read list. It's very rare to find…