Heat and sensory issues

When summer rolls around so do new problems. Gavin has major sensory issues. The one that concerns us the most during the summer is that he's always cold. Right now there is a heat advisory out. Gavin will wear sweat pants, a short sleeve shirt, a long sleeve shirt over that and then a hoody. He sleeps in these same clothes underneath a comforter. He won't allow a fan to be on or a window to be open. I don't know how he does that. We have to make him choose between the blanket or a fan (just as an example). He also doesn't sweat, ever. How far to we push him to cool his room off if he's uncomfortable with it? A what point do we have to step…


Another No Sleep Kind of Night

Last night was a rough one. No one wanted to sleep. Lizze was restless all night and later moved to the couch. EJ woke up at 4am to the sound of ER screaming. It was all down hill from there. Today is a very busy, especially for Lizze. She has back to back to back appointments. Wish us luck. Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry: LT


Super Trooper

I really have to give Gavin credit. As much pain as he has to be in he's doing great. He's not rubbing his eye or being all dramatic. I told him yesterday after he hurt it and was flinging himself around that we can't help him unless he's under control. Today has been a great day for him. I sorry he's going through this but proud of the way he's handling it. LT


Gavin’s eye

Here is a picture of Gavin's eye. It looks really painful but he's doing really well today. I'm very proud of him. Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry: LT


Gavins Home

They just got home a little while ago. The eye doc said that his eye is definitely not looking real good. He said there really isn't anything we can do right now but wait and let it heal. Gavin is making it worse with the rubbing though and that has to stop. Luckily him new meds make him very sleepy so he'll sleep through the next few days. If it's not better in the next day or so we have to get him back in. That 's all for now. LT



Lizze has Gavin at the doctors for his eye follow up. I'm just copying and pasting what she wrote on her blog. it will be easier. "Dr. H just left. He's either very stressed or he saw something he didn't like but isn't sharing the news with me. He checked out Gavin's eye and corneal abrasion, which is now oozing "pussy drainage". He left the room to go call Dr. Ro and see if he could squeeze Gavin in today because of the "pussy drainage" and the fact that his eye is so red and inflamed now. Good news! Dr. Ro can squeeze us in but we are going to be here for a while since they don't think we'll get in till sometime around 2pm. Ew...the receptionist just said, "Oh…


Emmett John: No Aspergers kids here

Can you tell the difference between the diapers in the picture below? Emmett John can. He will only wear the "Cookie Monster" diapers on the right. He goes so far as to go through all the diapers and make a nice neat pile of his beloved "Cookie Monster" ones. When the "Cookie Monster" ones are gone he moves to "Groove". Once again, no Aspergers kids here.



Venting. Sometimes you just need to vent. Going into this I know I'm going to sound like a bad parent. I just need to purge a bit so I can keep going. Gavin is driving me crazy. He hurt his eye, badly actually and I know it hurts. But there is SO MUCH drama involved. He throws himself around and screams. He walks around with both eyes shut and continues to rub the injured eye. I know it hurts and I wish I could make it feel better but the drama needs to stop. It's so much harder to feel compassion for someone who is demanding things but then is combative (so to speak) when you to help. This is clearly for show and attention. Even the hospital saw that.…