2 peas in a pod
Elliott Richard and Emmett John are camping out on the couch being distracted from Gavin's horrific meltdown. I share that experience later when things settle down. Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry: LT
Elliott Richard and Emmett John are camping out on the couch being distracted from Gavin's horrific meltdown. I share that experience later when things settle down. Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry: LT
Struggling with sensory issues. Emmett John is having a rough time. All of his clothes seem to be uncomfortable for him. We are going to have to replace all his clothes with sensory friendly versions and they don't come cheap. We are hoping his FSS funds will help to cover the cost. I feel so bad for him because he wants to wear clothes but his body won't let him. You can see it in his face. So for now we will just let him run around the house in shorts or his diaper if he's comfortable that way. Not much else we can do. Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry: LT
Autism makes so many things more difficult. Gavin eye doesn't appear to be getting better. In fact he's going in tomorrow because he hasn't been eating since he got hurt. That's a huge warning flag for Gavin. In our case Gavin's Autism amongst other things makes him an unreliable source of information. He can't give us the information we need to know how he's doing. Is he not eating because something is wrong or because he has this idea in his head that if he eats he is going to puke. For example, when I was a kid I was eating popcorn and got really sick (vomiting ect). It had nothing to do with the popcorn because I had the flu but to this day I don't eat popcorn very…
Disclaimer: I don't endorse this theory in any way. I just found it interesting and thought I share and get some opinions. I'll post links to the articles as soon as I can. Link 1 Link 2 (Just 2 of the links I found all opinion pieces) I was reading today online and came across some articles. They were proposing that Autism is the next stage in human evolution. It not's the first time I heard this but I was intrigued so I started reading about it. It's an interesting theory but I don't know if I buy into it. Many are saying it's some way that the human race is naturally going to control it's population. They assume that the autistic population will never have children or are less…
Emmett John has many sensory issues. The worst of which right now revolves around his clothes. He can't stand the way clothes feel most of the time. He doesn't like the seams in his socks and so we are constantly taking them off and putting them back on (at his request) because they feel uncomfortable. We are going to get him seamless sensory friendly socks as soon as we can. Gavin has some and he loves them. Anyway, Emmett John went into the laundry basket and dug out a pair of my socks and wanted me to put them on him. He has been wearing these for the better part of an hour now. Typically, he won't even wear his socks for that long. I guess his tiny feet are…
You have to see this to believe it. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAyhz2m-UuQ[/youtube] LT
They look peaceful enough but they battled to see who was sitting where. LT Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry: LT
Allowance. Does your autistic child earn an allowance? If our main goal is to give them as normal life as possible making and managing money will be important. Obviously, each situation is different but I do feel that it's also a very important lesson we can teach them. We need to revisit the idea with Gavin. It hasn't worked well in the past with him but he's a rather unique case. Do you have your autistic child help out around the house (if possible)? Do you allow them to earn an allowance? I'm curious how the community views this. LT Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry: LT