I got the job.
I will be writing for the examiner.com as the Autism and Parenting examiner for my area. It's a great opportunity to help families that are new or lost inside the community. Once everything gets going I pass the link along. Thanks
I will be writing for the examiner.com as the Autism and Parenting examiner for my area. It's a great opportunity to help families that are new or lost inside the community. Once everything gets going I pass the link along. Thanks
We got home a few hours ago and Gavin checked out ok. I figured he would be fine but we weren't taking any chances. The amount of freak things that happen to that child is unbelievable. We learned to be safe and not sorry. He started his lithium today so we'll see how that goes. His facial ticks are getting much worse. I hope the meds we have to counter them work for him. It doesn't look very comfortable. Gavin has been extremely hyper today but he's been operating within the rules so good for him :) Posted LostandTired.com via BlackBerry. Please note my new Twitter address: www.twitter.com/Lost_and_Tired
BREAKING NEWS!! BREAKING NEWS!! BREAKING NEWS!! BREAKING NEWS!! Emmett John said his first word. He just staring saying "doggy" over and over while he was playing with Maggie. He has NEVER said a word till today. I even got it on video. Please excuse the mess :) Screw it... Just watch the video and listen.....[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCJe-nuCXws[/youtube]
Someone commented on an earlier post in which I mentioned sedating Gavin. She made a very important point. I feel I should clarify what I meant. Gavin was scheduled to have his meds increased on Friday as part of continued maintenance. When the medication is increased it has a sedative effect not un like Benadryl. After contacting his Doctor he instructed us to start the new dose this afternoon. That's all that happened. She was right to express concerns about sedation of a child at home. With all we had going on today it was simply poor wording on my part. I knew what I meant but I want to make sure that everyone else does as well. We DO NOT sedate Gavin or any of our children. As the…
How do you choose between you children? Where do you draw the line? At what point do you put the safety and emotional welfare of the rest of the family over the ability to keep everyone together? Once the decision is made how do you live with yourself? Posted via Blackberry by LT Please note my twitter address has changed to: www.twitter.com/Lost_and_Tired.
Lizze and I are both exhausted and losing hope. We need to deal with the fact that Gavin is a 10 year old pubescent toddler. He responds to emotional and social situation with the maturity of a 2 year old. How do we even begin to cope with that. It is easy to verbally recognise this but it's another thing in practice. He is very strong and only getting stronger. If he gets mad or frustrated, much like Emmett John, he just freaks out and has a fit. He doesn't have the capacity of a 10 year to handle situations like sharing toys, or expressing his frustration in a constructive manner. He just melts down. I met with Dr. Patti tonight and there is no easy answer. Do we use…
First of all, thank you for the thoughts and prayers. I'm exhausted and my brain is shutting down so I'll do my best. Basically Gavin is a 10 year old toddler going through puberty. He's as emotionally mature as a 2 or 3 year old. Gavin is also incapable of showing empathy. So problems arise with the other kids getting hurt either physically or emotionally. Gavin does not allow for anyone else to have and/or use their own imagination. He gets very upset when this happens. Gavin has become extremely easily agitated. He meltdown at the drop of a hat. He doesn't pay any attention to his surroundings and so people get hurt. These meltdowns are becoming more and more intense. Today was so bad that neighbors actually came out…