Problems with “accidents”

The past few months Gavin has been "forgetting" to use the potty. He simply pee's his pants or worse he poop's his pants. He apparently would rather do that then stop playing and go to the bathroom. This explains Gavin's um, odor. I haven't a clue how to correct this. The only thing I can think of is to remove whatever had distracted him from using the potty and make him earn it back. This is of course assuming that there is nothing physically wrong. Do any of you guys have a similar problem? If so, how do you combat it? Brought to you by Lost and Tired via Blackberry. Please note my new twitter address.


Challenging week ahead

We have a very busy week ahead. This weekend has been exhausting for me. Gavin has the cardiologist, Emmett John has the geneticist, Lizze has her sleep study and Elliott Richard had Dr. Patti. There is more then that but what I know for sure. I'm laying here at 3am not able to sleep and that is not a good start to the week. Brought to you by Lost and Tired via Blackberry. Please note my new twitter address.


Rings of Maggie

[youtube width="480" height="320"][/youtube] Maggie playing tug-of-war with her new "indestructible" pull toy. For some reason I don't think this one will last either.


Gavin: A crisis update

Gavin is still in a crisis state but more stable. All of his new medications are currently being taken, including the Lithium. His facial ticks are still getting progressively worse to the point that the muscles under his jaw are cramping. I feel bad for him because it can't feel good. He still appears to be hearing voices although he's not as openly talking about them with us. He is however, non-stop talking. I mean to say that he never shut's up. I've been sitting here with him today and I don't know that he ever stopped talking.  He's talking about nothing at all. He just keeps sharing everything that's going through his head. Believe me when I say, it gets old after the first few hours. He is still very easily agitated…


Just me and Gavin

Well today my wife hit the big 30. Last night she went to dinner with her parents (yes we have all reunited) and I watched the kids. Today she is at her parents house for a birthday cook out. I stayed back because Gavin isn't stable enough to take him any where. So Lizze took the other kids and they should have fun. Birthday's are pretty laid back here for obvious reasons. I hope her birthday is a good one. Gavin is building with Lego's while I get caught up on some writing. Happy Birthday Lizze.


Getting healthy for Autism

I have a new article up. The topic today is "Getting healthy for Autism". As always, every time you you read, subscribe to or even view my work you are helping to support the Lost and Tired family. So if you like what I write please share the links and subscribe to my page. Thanks Again.


Fun for families affected by Autism.

My new article is up. Topic is family fun with your Autistic children. Click the link and check out the article. Every time you you read or even view my work you are helping to support the Lost and Tired family.



Gavin started Lithium today. So far so good as we haven't seem anything negative (probably to soon to tell). He also began the meds to treat the facial ticks and that does seem to be helping.  The facial ticks have been getting worse each day . Hopefully this new medication will help.

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