Facebooking my grandkids

My guest poster today is Esther Calgary.. Guest post written by Esther Calgary Once my friends at my retirement community and I discovered Facebook a little over a year ago, I started finding childhood friends and out-of-touch co-workers. The satellite internet specials I had found when I moved to the community let me chat on Facebook chat and keep up with everyone’s whereabouts and projects. But I was hesitant to add them as friends on there because I knew that they may not want to be friends with me on there and I wasn’t sure if I wanted them to see my Facebook wall anyway. It’s not that I wanted to keep my conversations private, it’s that some funny jokes that my friends post on my wall could make my…


Times are tough: Guest Bloggers

Hey everyone, I hope today is a good one for all of you. I just wanted to let you know that I will have the occasional guest blogger on here. These guest bloggers will be random topics but it helps to bring in a bit of extra income for my family. I will try to keep them at a minimum but right now times are tough. I appreciate your understanding.. Have a great week.


Crisis Update

Gavin has been starting to show improvement over where he was a few weeks ago. Most of the facial ticks have subsided now. Gavin is still very anxious but that's par for the course. ER and EJ have paid a pretty heavy price and are struggling a bit. You can't blame them considering everything going on around them. However, it is taking its toll on Lizze and I both. That's it for now. I'll write more tomorrow. Brought to you by Lost and Tired via Blackberry. Please note my new twitter address. www.twitter.com/Lost_and_Tired


The birth of a special needs parent

I wrote a new article. It's inspired by my own personal journey. "The birth of the special needs parent". As always, every time you subscribe to or even click to view my work you are helping to support the Lost and Tired family. So if you like what I write please share the links and subscribe to my page. Thanks Again.

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Maggie has discovered Salt and Pepper

It took about 2 weeks but Maggie has discovered Elliott Richards Bearded Dragons. Now they have stare downs through the glass. The Dragons will come over to the glass and stand their ground and then Maggie does the same thing. It's actually very funny to watch. Brought to you by Lost and Tired via Blackberry. Please note my new twitter address. www.twitter.com/Lost_and_Tired


Sensory Wagon Ride

Much of our time is spent in chaos. So it's nice to find something I can do with my kids that brings them together even for a little while. One of the things I have been writing about are the various sensory needs the 3 boys have. They are all different. However, I have discovered the miracle of the wagon ride. I get out the old Radio Flyer and pack Elliott Richard and then Emmett John into the wagon. Then get Maggie on the leash and set up my GPS tracker on my Blackberry and we are off. It's typically a bumpy ride but I think it helps to ground them (sensory wise) and they just relax and kinda snuggle together during the ride. We just go a few times…

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Crumbling: An honesty post (part 2)

Anymore I feel like my ability to function has been reduced to such an extreme that I'm useless to everyone. My life has become so overwhelming that it literally feels like I'm suffocating. While we aren't perfect parents every one of the doctors say we are doing everything right. It can be quiet demoralizing to do everything right but still not be able to help your kids. No matter what we do for Gavin it doesn't seem to make a difference. The amount of things we are facing is so daunting that I don't even know where to begin. I know the 105F + heat right now probably plays a roll in this. We don't have central air so the second floor is literally like walking into a sauna. The…