Gavin crisis 8/03/2010

Today has been bell already. We got a call about 6am this morning saying gavin is having mri this morning. gavin will need to be sedated in order to have his mri. One of us needs to be present so we scrambled to make arrangements. If we had known we would have been there last night. Lizze and her mom left for Cleveland this morning. Both ER and EJ are sick and my back is out. For some reason Sprint shut our phones off this morning. They don't know why it happened but it did. It took me forever to get that fixed. They were supposed to replace Lizzes blackberry but never shipped it out last week. So after 2 days of battling now we have 2 coming which will…


Gavin crisis update

Okay. Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers. Gavin is currently at the Children's Hospital at the Cleveland Clinic. He has been there since Satuarday. He has been having a reaction to one of the medications he absolutely has to be on. This medication was causing ticks. They started in his face and on Saturday they had spread to his entire body. We called the doctor and he said he must be seen. That started the process and here we are. He had to be cut off cold turkey because his life was in danger.  I can't begin to tell you what it's like to see your son in that condition. He has lost control over his body and was falling off the bed. After 12 hours in the…


Gavin update

We have been in the ER for 12 hrs now. Gavin is coming unglued right now. We have no phone service here at the Cleveland Clinic. It's midnight now and after a few rounds of ativan he still won't relax. We are putting off the Psych hold for a day or so. They want to rule out any type of brain damage so he's going to be in pediatrics neurology for the next day or so. As soon as he's admitted and asleep Lizze and I are supposed to go home. She will return in the morning with her mother. Once he is in the children's psych hospital they will leave to come home as thats what they want us to do.  I don't know how Gavin is going to…


Pray for Gain

Very quickly. Gavin is being committed for emergency medical stabilization. Don't what is happening but we are on our way. He has taken a turn for the worse. More when I can.


Gain update

Gain has begun with full body twitched. It's like he has lost control over his entire body. The meds to counter this just don't work anymore. We have to increase the lithium to manage the bipolar but I don't know what to do about the full body twitched. We will try to get him in on Sat morning.


Thanks for praying for Emmett

Thank you for praying for Emmett John today. I have lost count of how many tweets, emails,texts, comments and facebook messages I have received today. We are truly lucky to have this kind of support. Thanks again for everything.


Mr. Gavin

Mr. Gavin is having a rough time. His meds aren't working and he is VERY manic. He is all over the place, literally. He is talking a mile a minute and has become very fidgety. He is still hearing voice but now he's hiding it from us. We are waiting for the results from his blood work to see if his Lithium levels are off. He is driving everyone in the house crazy. He doesn't listen or follow the rules and he keeps causing grief with his brothers. Hopefully we get the meds straightened out soon so we can survive the rest of the summer.


Emmett John Update 2

We got home awhile ago but I haven't had a chance to update yet. This morning I found this horrible bruise behind Emmett John's left ear. I took a picture and sent it to Lizze cause she was getting Gavin's blood work done (an update in itself). I wanted to know if she had seen that and she immediately called and was concerned as I was. We decided not to take any chances and take him in to Children's. Lizze's mom watched Gavin and ER and we were off. For those that don't know, I was a medic for a very long time and bruising behind the ears is not a good thing. He also had previous head trauma back in May when he fell down an entire flight of…