My little sicky’s

And the verdict is bronchitis. Both are now on antibiotics answer will probably be home from school Thursday . Posted from WordPress for Android


What is a crisis?

We consider any situation that requires immediate professional intervention for the safety and wellbeing of any member of our family. This is very common with Gavin because he has extreme behavioral issues. They can appear suddenly or over time. Currently Gavin is in a crisis state because he is losing control over his body movements again. He is also experiencing audio and visual hullucinations. These are all things that point to neurological problems or medication issues. He is also manic right now as well which just makes everything much more complicated. That is what we consider to be a crisis situation. Posted from WordPress for Android


Gavin Crisis Update 10/6/2010 (Morning)

Talk to nurse at Dr. R's office this morning. Now just trying to get an appointment. Gavin will be going to the pediatrician today as well for the cough and congestion. Wejust had our first meltdown in some time this morning. Gavin received the "spin art" type thing the other day and it uses paint. Long story short he snuck it and was using it with Elliott in his room. When we found it paint was everywhere. When we took it away Gavin lost it. He went so far as to bang his head into his window. How he didn't break it is a miracle. When he does those types of things we explain what could have happened. It's important that he knows what would happen. So he faked out…


Learned Behaviors

Elliott Richard has picked up way to many of Gavins behaviors. It's very hard to determine wether these are Elliott issues or learned behaviors. Gavin has VERY FEW "normal" behaviors and so Elliott and Emmett use that as their frame of reference. Gavin is not a role model or a good example. I know that sounds bad but it's simply the truth. Gavin struggles in most every aspect of his life. It's certainly not his fault but it does effect everyone... Posted from WordPress for Android


Autism and sickness

Both the kids are still sick and will need to fo to the doctor this morning. For those unaware Autism and even the common cold are a nightmare combination. When my kids are sick they are in sensory hell. The congestion, runny nose, coughing and fever drive them insane. That tends to be a factor in whether or not we send then to school. Being sick is hard on any kids but especially kids with Autism and sensory issues. They are all due for their flu shots soon. The flu shots really help to limit this during the winter and they have the nasal mist for the kids. Posted from WordPress for Android


Personal update

Since I started the Fit 4 Autism program I have moved to about 5 miles a day (sometimes more and sometimes less). I have contributed over 60 miles so far. I am also pain free for the first time in 10 years. I'm also dropping weight as well. I am very proud of myself for sticking with this program. Majority of my family is also running and or walking to. You wouldn't believe how something as simple as walking can change your life. Posted from WordPress for Android