Okay, here we…

...go with the video. Please keep in mind that this is being done with the hopes of giving some insight into Gavin. I want to have a basis of comparison so if we feel something has changed we have a video to compare it to as well. I want what we are going through to help others in a similar situation. You will notice that Gavin cannot sit still. THIS IS NOT NORMAL FOR HIM. In this you will hear me remind him to sit like a pretzel. This is what he has to do so that he doesn't kick anyone or anything around him. It also prevents him from hurting himself by smashing his feet into the floor, over and over again. Typically this isn't a problem for him to do. He's also…

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Shorty I will be…..

...posting a video of Gavin.This is meant for documentation purposes. He did not know he was being recorded. I am trying to show how the movement disorder is progressing or hopefully getting better. This video will show Gavin sitting on the floor as we are trying to de-escalate a meltdown. We require Gavin to sit like a pretzels that he cannot hurt anyone. Clearly Gavin is struggling in this video and it's may be difficult to watch. I think that it is important to see what we are trying to deal with and the stages of progression so if God forbid any of you should run into this you know what to look for. The video is currently uploading...


Gavin: Trouble in paradise

Gavin is REALLY struggling. It honestly appears as though he is losing his mind. He is ALL OVER THE PLACE. He is an emotional wreck. He is dragging the rest of us down with him. Elliott is getting pulled into Gavin's "world".  Elliott is having trouble telling the difference between real and imaginary now. Gavin is teaching him by example and his example is not good. We have to figure out a way to minimize Gavin's impact on Elliott. I don't know how to do that without keeping them from having contact.


General Update

Today has been just a bad day. It started out rough and ended rough. Gavin is becoming more and more of a handful. The impact he is having on Elliott is very profound. Gavin is dragging Elliott into his imaginary world. He is teaching Elliott that these things are real by his example. I don't know how to find balance. I don't know how to allow us all to coexist without unneeded fallout. Things are becoming more and more difficult to handle. Lizze has given so much of herself that I think she has lost a sense of who she is. It's a real struggle to try to be what everyone needs all the time but she has done that selflessly for so long that she has forgotten how to take care of…


Gavin is struggling

Gavin told Lizze this morning that he is convinced that his school is giving him spoiled milk everyday for breakfast. He see that they expire in about a week and says they taste bad. In reality there is nothing wrong with it. However, in Gavin's head they are out to get him. I fear today is going to be particulary rough for Gavin. I think that it's concerning that he feels they are out to get him. This is taking is to a place we don't want to go to. He is paranoid and that's not good on any level.

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Today has been a…

...really trying day. I know Lizze had a really bad day, especially with pain. Got to respect her ability push forward. I turns out that the Hospital we will most likely be directed to for the movement disorder specialist is Rainbow Babies in Cleveland. We will know for sure by the end of the week.


We received some disturbing news….

...when following up with Dr. R and Dr. Patti today. Dr. R is extremely concerned about the this mysterious movement disorder and is unsure why Akron Children's released Gavin in the first place. He told us upon seeing him today that this is the worst he has seen him in 5 years. This once again coincides with what we felt and observed ourselves. Dr. Patti completely agree's with this assessment. The problem we had with Akron Children's Hospital is the same as the Cleveland Clinic. The both lack the benefit of a detailed history with both ourselves and Gavin. They don't see the movement disorder something caused by Autism. They rule out any life threats and send him home.  The problem with that theory is that Gavin has NEVER had ANYTHING like this…