Autism and consequence

Since I was already on the topic of consequences what and or how do you hold your child accountable for their actions. Just because they are Autistic doesn't mean they should get a free pass. If anything you probably need to aggressively handle inappropriate behavior. In our case with with Gavin, the rewards system doesn't work because he simply exploits it. Gavin only responds to consequences. Wether or not he learns anything is another post all together. We don't punish things that are outside of his control but do our best to curb socially inappropriate behaviors. Our goal is to have Gavin able to function in the capicity of a responsible citizen (if that's even possible). I say if that's possible because Gavin's future isn't to bright at this point.…


A Gavin sets the tone

Gavin has been melting down all morning. Then he cursed and so now, you guessed it, he will be having Oatmeal. I thought Oatmeal was retired for good but it is back out of retirement just for Gavin. After the morning we suffered through with Gavin (and I know I'll sound like a jerk) I can't wait to give it to him. He hates oatmeal and thus it is the only consequence that works. And before you say "some kids respond better to praise and rewards" you need to read my older posts!


Fighting Autism (An Honesty Post)

I realize this may not be politically correct but it's my reality and my blog. I said I would be honest and this is honestly my life. I have been doing the special needs parenting thing for 1/3 of my life already. One thing I have learned along the way is that you love your kids the way the are but you fight what is taking them away. Autism is a disorder pure and simple. It's not a personality trait. Autism is listed in the DSM-V along with things like bipolar and depression. We don't know enough about Autism to know exactly what is going on in the brain to cause it. We do know FOR SURE THAT VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM. That is a scientific fact and it…


Meltdown by 3

Gavin had 3 major meltdowns today. By major meltdown I mean shrieking, stomping and self injury. They occurred over seemingly nothing. Gavin was edge today for some reason. I have to be honest when he stands there shrieking it takes all I have not to lose it. You can hear him 4 or 5 doors down. I am floored that no one has ever called the police. You would think he was being tortured. Everyone hid upstairs while Gavin lost his cool and freaked out. I tell him that he doesn't have the right to frighten anyone in this family because he didn't get his way. This is one of those times where I think he is willfully upsetting everyone in the house. Everyone in my house has the right…


Lizze,Fibro and progress

Lizze received a long awaited phone call today from the insurance company. They have assigned her a case manager and worker. This is a huge thing because with all her health issues it really helps to have one person oversee all the paperwork. They are also going to help her finally get on disability (something she more then qualifies for) and that will really help as well.

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Bad day!

Today has been pretty rough. Gavin had no school today and had 3 major meltdowns. Nothing went as planned. I got the van in and fixed. While I was waiting I walked 3 miles with my parents today. Our route took us through the old apartment complex we lived in when I was really little. Brought back a ton of memories. I was still a bit sore from my 6 miles yesterday so I took it easy today. I have been having issues with my Samsung Epic 4G from sprint. I couldn't get the GPS to work at all. Samsung makes amazing tech but truly horrible software for the tech. The GPS would show me in random places across the country. This one today would turn itself on when slid…


Emmett John: The search for answers

Emmett John is the only one of our kids without an official diagnosis. After discussing things with everyone involved we are having issues trying to get a straight answer. The development pediatrician says right now she is leaning towards PDD. However, she has only seen him once.  The help me grow team is working in the areas of speech and say he is 9 to 12 monthes behind developmentally. They are encouraged by some of the progress he has made but we have a long road ahead. We aren't excited about lables for the sake of lables. We do, however, want answers. A diagnosis will give us a direction in which to go in. Right now we are kind of in limbo waiting to figure out what is going on.


Weekend Update

Gavin and Elliott spent the night at Grandmas house this weekend. Sounds like they had a great time and got a sorta break. I say sorta break cause it was a very busy weekend for us. Our washer died and I spent Satuarday at the laundrymat doing about 15 loads of laundry. I was able to cram them into about 10 loads. We had gotten behind on laundry so this was only about half of what actually needs done. Lizze spent hours sorting everything so I could take them to get cleaned. Now we have to either fix or replace our washer. The van is also going back into the shop to have the exhaust repaired. We have a break right behind the converter and are getting exhaust jn the…