It’s gonna be a manic Monday

My best guess it that Gavin is manic again. It would explain alot of his impulsive behaviors and extreme mood swings. It makes sense considering that his meds haven't been adjusted in months due to the movement issues. Gavin has struggled all weekend. Although he has also made some good choices as well. He is also back to not sleeping which is always a tell tale sign for him. I don't know what this week will be like but if this weekend is any indication it's gonna be a rough one. Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. Posted from WordPress for Android


The big one….

I am currently sitting in my room while Gavin is melting down in the middle on my floor. This is a big one. We haven't seen one like this for quiet a while. I missed the beginning of it but something to do with lying to Lizze. Anyways I took over to give her a break. Gavin is punching,hitting and now biting himself. I am doing my best to ignore this as to not reinforce the behavior (as per Akron Children's). The biting is new and he appears to be esculating. Once he is done and calm for a few minutes he will get a drink and be allowed to go lay down in his room. All he had to do was calm down. He is actually calmed down now.…


Possible new source of income. Advice?

So most of you know that I fix computers out of my house to support my family. One of the services we offer is VHS to DVD. I have been doing this locally but never gave any thought to doing his online. I am thinking about offering the same survice but now offering it online. Basically people could ship the tapes to me I convert them and ship them back. I would cover the cost of shipping back and maybe cover shipping both ways. The cost for conversion would be about $10/hr including shipping. The conversion process is done in real time meaning if you have 10 hours of video it would take a minimum of 10 hours to convert. My concern about this is the shipping not so much…


Kids are finally out

The kids are finally out and Lizze and I are watching The Firestarter. The old Steven King movie. Hopefully we'll make it through before the kids wake up... Posted from WordPress for Android by Epic 4G


Climbed out onto the roof…

I climbed out onto the roof this afternoon and to cleanup and replace the broken window pane. My brother came over to help. One of us was going to keep the glazing as warm as possible while the other used it to seal up the window pane. Turns out 10 F is to cold to attempt these types of repairs. It's a lot colder on the roof then you We improvised. We used the wedges to secure the pane in place and left it alone. I will finish in the spring an or if we get a break in the weather. It's not to big of a deal cause the pane is securely attached. Besides we are going to try to put furniture in front of the windows to keep…


Our luck has run out…

This morning just keeps getting better and better. Remember how lucky I said we were because Emmett John hasn't gone through any of the windows yet. Well this morning our luck has run out. He ran into and subsequently through one of the windows in Elliott's room. Noone was hurt so thank God for that. I have no idea how he managed to do this without a single scratch but I won't look a gift horse in the mouth. The problem is, besides the obvious, is the everything is froozen and the wind chill is about 10 F outside right now. This is going to make going on the roof and doing the repair a huge pain. The glazing is going to be to cold to be manipulated. I'm replacing…


Gavin sets the tone at 9am

I woke up this morning to Emmett John screaming and crying. As it turns out Gavin body checked Emmett John into the wall in the hallway. Gavin ran into his bedroom to get something and didn't want Emmett John to follow so he was flailing around and on his way out body checked Emmett John into the wall. Lizze was standing right there and saw it happen. She was on her way to get Emmett John and bring him back downstairs when it happened. Gavin knew he was there but was more concerned with what he was doing then watching out for people around him. In the process he hurt his little brother. Gavin needs to learn that his actions can have consequences so he will be having oatmeal for…


Humbled (An Honesty Post)

Ok. I can't believe I'm sharing this but maybe someone will benefit from my story. If not I'm sharing anyway. I have been explaining just how tough things have been and how they just keep getting worse. One of the positive things that has happened for Emmett is the early interventionists that have become involved. That said, here's my honesty for today. We weren't able to go to Thanksgiving today because Gavin wouldn't do well. It's not about what my family would think because they all understand but honestly dealing with the aftermath is just to much. He would be overstimulated for days. So we made the decision to send Elliott with my dad so he could have some "normal" time and get away from the chaos. That was bitter…