More bad news…

Lizze went to get an ultrasound on Tues to see what is causing the pain and cramping she has been experiencing. We learned she needs to have a partial hysterectomy. For some unknown reason after Emmett was born her uterus was damaged and became heart shaped. She experiences a lot of pain as a result. Dr. D doesn't know how this happened. Even if she hadn't already had a tubal she wouldn't be earlier this year she would be unable to have anymore children.  We were not expecting this at all and really are still kind of in shock. We knew she had some cysts (which are pretty common) and thought that was the cause of the pain but it isn't. This is a major (but very common) surgery so there is…


Emmett’s and the Geneticist

Emmett was seen by the Geneticist this morning. The are testing him for everything. Their primary concern seems to be Fragile X. That seems to be the current theme for us as of late. They were explaining to us how rare our situation is. He said the reason they want the genetic workup is because of how uncommon all this is.  We should have the results prior to Christmas. All in all it was a productive visit. On the way up I told Lizze that when they ask if Lizze and I are brother and sister I was going to tell them yes. I though it would be funny but she made me promise not to. To me it seems like a ridiculous question that deserves a ridiculous answer but I guess…

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Resentment,Grief and Guilt (A very honest post)

I want to talk about a very personal situation and share my feelings on this particular subject. Most of my posts revolve around Gavin, my 11 year old son. Honestly, that's because Gavin's behaviors are one of my single biggest source of stress. Please, notice I said "Gavin's behaviors" and not "Gavin".  Gavin is a very unique and very complicated person. I want to be very honest about my feelings in this post in order to give the world a better understanding of what our lives are like. I also want people to understand that it's okay to feel the way you feel. Raising a child on the spectrum is no easy task, but in the end, is totally worth while. Gavin came into my life when he was about…


Made a decision…

I have been thinking about it and have decided to expand my business online. I will start offering the VHS to DVD conversion to anyone in the continental US. I will set up a store front via paypal. The customer will pay via paypal for each hour of video they would like converted. Once payment has cleared I will ship out a prepaid box for them to ship the tapes in. They will ship them to me I will convert them and ship everything back within a few days. This way I control the shipping. Shipping to and from will be insured and everything will require a signature. I will draft a general disclaimer covering everything possible. I will probably officially start in the 1st quarter 2011 but will gladly…

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The week….

The week has started on a rough note. Gavin is struggling and melting down over everything. The self injury is becoming more serious. He is smashing his head into his knees and the sound is horrible. I know it has to hurt him and if he's doing it for attention we cannot react. I am worried because he just seems to keep esculating. I wish I knew what was happening to him. Elliott is SO whiny all the time. He isn't sleeping well and cries over everything. He is collecting little things like trinkets. Dr. Patti says that is typical behaviour for a foster child. I am so worried about him. It keeps me up at night. Emmett is just into everything he can possibly be in to. School starts…


Fragile X update

Someone posted over on my wifes blog about Fragile X. She wanted us to know that Fragile X carriers can suffer from tremmors. As you may remember Lizze suffers from tremmors. They have never really found the cause but also never looked in that direction. We are going to be checking into that because it may be another piece to the puzzle. Does anyone know anything about Fragile X and could share some reliable resources. We need to research this a bit more but I want to say thaks to the person who posted the information. It gives us something to go on. Posted from WordPress for Android