News from the fragile x front….

We just got this letter in the mail a few minutes ago. It's from the Cleveland Clinic. It is the results from Gavin's genetic work up. Apparently, everything has come back normal (as seen in the picture). While it's good news it's also disappointing at the same time. That is because we are back to not knowing what's going on. If this had come back positive at least we would have something to go on. Now we are left with more questions then answers. Does that make sense? It would have also shed some light on his bizarre behaviors. We would have had some more insight into his inner workings. Maybe a better understanding of what makes him tick. Now we are back to square one. At least we can…


Another day at Akron Childrens

We were at the hospital very early this morning. Emmett was having a Barium study done. Basically he swallows this dye and they X-ray him as I passes through him. He hadn't had anything to eat or drink in like 12 hours so he was an extra special kind of grumpy today, and I don't blame him. Lizze and I didn't eat either so he wasn't hungry alone. We got there and it seemed like every kid was eating something and Emmett was screaming cause he was hungry and didn't understand. Then they put the bracelet on his ankle and he lost it. He screamed and screamed for the 20 minutes we waited to go back. He kept trying to pull it off. I know it's a sensory thing and…

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The “tests” continue in the AM

We will be in Akron bright and early. Emmett has a study being done as part of the gastrointestinal stuff. Starting now he cannot have anything to eat or drink until after the tests are done. Try explaining that to a 2 year old, period, let alone a child on the spectrum that can't communicate. He will not understand and he will be very angry...


The complications of Autism pt2

In the next 14 days Emmett is going to undergo a barium study. Basically he swallows barium and then he is x-ray'd to track the path it takes. They are looking for anything mechanically wrong hat could be causing the issues he's having. Next he is have an endoscopy. They said because he is having such unique problems and has had the issues for so long that this is the next logical step. They will go in and take biopsies and do further testing for celiac. They a concerned because he has intolerance to several different things that aren't common to have together. Part of the reason this is necessary is because Emmett can't communicate what is going on. He can't say "my tummy hurts". He won't even point to…


The complications of Autism

We are at Akron Childrens for Emmett, one of the many trips we have this week alone. Today is the Gastro.. Emmett is having xrays done to check his "poop level" in his colon. Then more bloodwork and then an endoscopy. They are suspecting celiac which is not something we wanted to hear. My mom has that and my grandmother and aunt had it as well. Not something pleasant to deal with for him or us on top of everything else he's dealing with. The fact that Emmett can't communicate just makes everything so much more complicated. He can't tell us what's going on so we have to guess. Because Emmett has had reflux since birth. The doc said 95% of kids with reflux out grow it by their 1st…


Get a hobby

So I am huge into technology. I used to develop custom ROM's (operating systems) for Windows Mobile 6.xx.xx smart phones. A few months ago I made the switch to Android but didn't do much with it. Over the past week I released some custom ROM's for the Sprint Epic 4G. You can find my thread here at the developers website ppcgeeks. I have also started designing custom themes as well. When you have 3 kids on the spectrum you need to have something to take you away for a little bit. You need to find a hobby to distract yourself with and unwind to. I hope you all have something you can do to escape with.


Autism and pain threshold

One of the things that drive me crazy with Gavin his how he handles pain. Gavin will beat himself (literally) and not complain but then pitch a fit over the tiniest injury. For example yesterday he came down stairs freaking out because "I bumped my thumb on my action figures head". He wasn't hurt but was freaking out. If he thinks he hurt himself, say his finger for example, he will squeeze his fingure until it's bruised in an attempt to make it bleed. Then when it eventually bleeds or just bruises he meltsdown. I just don't get it. Today alone I have lost track of all the "injuries" he came to show me. The biggest problem aside from annoyance it the example being set. Now Elliott is doing similar…


How does your Aspergers child see you?

So Elliott and I were drawing the other day. Things like fruit and cereal bowls. Then Elliott out of nowhere draws this picture. When he shows it to me he's so proud of himself. Through his giant, proud smile he explains "Daddy this is a picture of you sitting on the toilet". Where the heck did that come from? He just kills me sometimes...but seriously we are going to have to have a talk with him about this. I mean really, my arms are totally out of proportion and my heads on backwards.. ;-) And for the record we value our privacy in this house so I have no idea where this came from....Just thought it was cute..and I said I would share, good, bad or even slightly disturbing... :-)