Gavin (Crisis) update…..

Gavin is still spiraling and just keeps getting worse. He is having at least 1 to 2 of these meltdowns a day. That may not seem like much but it is beyond draining both emotionally and physically. The meltdowns had stopped earlier in the summer. When things were at their worst the meltdowns were happening 5 or 6 times a day.  We are slowly working are way back. We see the movement disorder specialist next week. Until we find out what is causing the movement issues he cannot be safely medicated.  Next week can't come fast enough.


Good News and Bad News

Heard back from the Doctor. So far Emmett does not have celiac or any signs of it. That's a huge relief. This doesn't mean he won't develop it at some point but that's in the future (and a bug maybe). The bad news is that he will be enduring 30 mins of needle pricks tomorrow at the allergist. Basically he is placed on his stomach and they prick him in the middle of his back so he cannot reach it. We need to find out what else is making him sick. He will have no idea of what and why that is happening to him. It's going to be really hard to do this but we need to find out what is going on with. Thanks everyone for all the…

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Pins and Needles……..

I thought the hardest part of this whole biopsy thing Emmett had last week was the actual surgery. However, the waiting for the results is the hardest by far. I called first thing this morning like we were told to. I got a return call a little while later that the Doctor will be personally calling us back later this afternoon. He apparently likes to handle that personally. Now we have to wait until later this afternoon. This waiting is killing me. Please say prayer for Emmett that everything comes back ok. Thanks again for everything.

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One Holiday down and 1 to go…

We made it through Christmas. Gavin had a rough morning but did pretty well most of the day. He struggled at night but in all fairness to him it was a really long day. We get in to see the movement disorder specialist in about a week or so. Hopefully then we can adjust his meds as it is long over due. Families with Autistic children usually dread the holidays and for good reason. Our kids just don't do well this time of year. All we have to do now is make it through the new year and go from there. We have about 6 appointments between Lizze and Emmett this week and so it will be a long week. The van has to go back to the shop again…


My head is going to explode…..Autism and the Holiday’s….

We are still trying to figure out what we are going to have to do with Gavin. The timing of everything is really bad. Not that any other time would be good, really, just better then this. Part of our strategy is to keep him as stimulation free as possible...  That is key for him to stay afloat. That means making tough decisions, like avoiding gatherings for example. I don't know how to decide these things anymore. I don't want to be making a decision out of frustration and strip him of something he might otherwise enjoy. It's really easy to get caught up in that type of thing when dealing with what we are dealing with.. However the reality is that he will probably not do well. Is it even fair of us…


We have entered “Crisis” mode with Gavin…….

Gavin just had another enormous meltdown. He was punching and biting himself again. He also threw himself around and almost smashed him head onto him bed frame.  I don't know what to do. My gut says we need to take him to Akron Childrens and have him admitted again for his own safety. However, he is only hurting himself and tomorrow is Christmas Eve. How could we do that to him right now? Do we wait or do we take him now? Nobody has any answers.... For right now he is in bed and calmed down. We will have to discuss this again tonight after the kids go down. Please pray for him as well as the rest of my family....Not that this could ever happen at a good time but this is a…


Gavin: Crisis Mode?

The self injury is escalating.  At what point do we draw the line? Do we allow it to get worse or do we send him to Akron? I don't know how to make that decision anymore. Those that have never had to make this type of decision can't begin to imagine what this feels like. He would be there over Christmas and that would be terrible. Is that enough of a reason not to send him back to get help? He did this during the meltdown last night. Didn't notice this at first cause it was under his hair. The cuts extend into his hair line as well.