Hello snow day……

In an ironic twist of fate Lizze couldn't sleep last night. I got to sleep in until 8:30am.... I so needed that........ Posted from WordPress for Android


What Happened…….

A lot has happened today. So here are the cliffnotes. Basically Lizze had an appointment with one of her neurologists today (sleep specialist). We were discussing what we had going on and what Lizze was experiencing. He still says no narcolepsy. We got on the topic of the new psychiatrist and meds. He said she should not have put Lizze on these meds. It also turns out that you shouldn't mix Paxil and abilify. So he has contacted the psychiatrist and is going to find out what she was thinking. Anyway, I expressed concern over the risk of blood clotts with her current condition. He checked her legs over right away and that's when he found whatever is going on with her leg. Although luckily it turned out to be…


We are at Aultman Hospital

We got to Aultman and we were driven to vascular on this golf cart type thing. They got us back right away.  I am just sitting in the room while they do this...... Posted from WordPress for Android


Please say a prayer….

We were at Lizzes neurologist today and they think they found a blood clot in her left leg. They cut the appointment off and sent her us to the Hospital for an ultra sound. She has a histroy of dvt's so this is pretty scary. She was pregnant with Elliott at the time so they couldn't treat it. She was hospitalized for almost 2 weeks. I had expressed concern about the lack of mobility and her history. They were concerned as well. They didn't know she had that history. So they examined her and felt behind her left knee and she shot up out of her chair. The pulses are different as well. We are currently waiting for her ultra sound and we are about an hour out. Please say…


Today is going to be a rough one….

My back hurts so badly I'm getting sick to my stomach and my head is pounding... We were late this morning and Emmett decided today he as not going to wear clothes. This is only the 4th or 5th day and I'm already feeling defeated.... Posted from WordPress for Android

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Tomorrow’s agenda…….

Tomorrow begins the busy days... Here's the run down: Wake Lizze up for meds 7am Elliott to school 7:30am Gavin school 8am Errands 9am-11am Wake Lizze up for meds 11:30am Emmett to school 12:00pm Lizze to sleep disorder doctor 1pm Lizze home and back to bed 2pm Elliott picked up from school 2:15pm Emmett picked up from school 2:30pm Gavin picked up from school 3pm Make dinner Get Lizzie up to take meds Elliott to therapy 6 pm Kids to bed 7:30pm Pretty simple right? I figured it out and on Tues and Thurs I will be driving over 100 miles simply taking the kids to and picking them up from school. I have to call in the morning to schedule Emmett's speech, other and pt at Akron Kid's. That…


Day 3 comes to a close……

Lizzie slept about 20 hours today. The back injury that ended my fire fighting career has reared its ugly and very painful head again. I was thinking about it today and realized something. For the last 10 years I have been dealing with the constant back pain everyone always teased me cause I pace constantly. I always thought it nervous energy or something. But today I realized it was my body trying to fix itself. In the past 10 years I have not had a minute pain free. Then about 7 months ago I started walking and got up to 30 miles a week. I was pain free for the first time is 10 years. Then things got worse here and I haven't bee able to walk in almost 3…

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