Gavin goes on Monday…..

Gavin goes on Monday for the lumbar puncture. He should be in and out in the same day. So now we just wait till Monday. They are calling me back today with th exact time... Posted from WordPress for Android


Beaking point…..

Things are really getting bad. Gavin has simply lost touch with reality. He is talking about things that aren't making sense. He is interacting with "imaginary" friends as though they are really there. This goes far beyond the typical imaginary friends. I just heard back from the neurologist at the Cleveland Clinic and they are going to try to book the OR as an emergancy. They are going to try to get this done right away. That puts us in a huge bind cause he will probably be there for at least 24 hours. One of us will have to be there. It can't be Lizze (for obvious reasons) and it can't be me cause there is no one to take the kids.... They may also want to admit him…

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Let me get you all caught up….

A lot has happend in the last 24 hours since my last post. for starters Gavin was "sick" last night. I say "sick" and not sick cause with him you just never know. After he went to bed he came downstairs and told us he was sick. He said his stomach was hurting all day and his head was pounding. He had no fever and was running around playing yesterday as though nothing was wrong. I asked him to lay in bed on his tummy and hug his pillow. That always works for me and I thought maybe the power of suggestion might help out. He was convinced he had to vommitt. This is what he has always done. We down play the need to vommitt and just make him…

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Still waiting……..

We are still wating to hea back from Dr. R as to what we should do. Gavin is doing fine now. He did leave some marks on his forehead I just noticed. Not as bad as the last time but still an obvious problem. Since this afternoon Gavin has been a "perfect angel". Not one problem. I wish I knew what we were supposed to do. Posted from WordPress for Android


Gavin Update…..Tough Decisions…

We haven't heard back yet from Dr. R.... I don't know if Lizze and I should just make a decision and go? After all the redness on Gavin's head went away there are no visible marks. So that's a good thing. Is that enough of a reason to not take him? He seems perfectly fine now, like nothing ever happened (which is extremely frustrating, because everyone else is still dealing with the stress that caused). I just wish there was a simple way to know what the right thing to do is. There are so many things to consider. The emotional toll this with take on everyone (honestly that applies no matter what we do). The simple logistics of everything. I can't be in two places at once. Is anything they…


Trouble in Paradise…

Gavin got into an argument with Elliott over something silly. Gavin freaked out and started scratching his forehead up again as well as hitting himself in the head. We have a call into Dr. R but my guess would be admittance into the psych floor at Akron Children's Hospital. I hate the idea of sending him but I don't know what else to do. We can't let him comtinue to hurt himself and also can't allow third to be an example for the other kids who are already beginning to imitate the behavior.  I hate being in this position... Posted from WordPress for Android


I know some of you will feel my pain……

Mr. Emmett John decided he would pick up his shoe and throw it at the TV. I have an LG 47 1080p 120Hz LCD. We got if a few years ago before things got this bad. He busted the screen loose from the frame. LG mounts the screen in a weird way. It feels almost like a projection screen. So it would be like throwing a shoe into a projection TV. It just knocks the screen out. I'm not even that angry, really. Just kinda in shock and surprised it took this long. Awesome...... Posted from WordPress for Android