“Voice4u” Free Give-A-Way!!!!!

I received a copy of Voice4U (from the developer) to give away to one of my readers.. This version is designed for Apple iPod/iPhone or iPad. I haven't decided if I will do that here or at Daily Mommy Survival yet. I own this for Android and it is AMAZING.......  Details to come VERY SOON.......              Anyone Interested? UPDATE: THE DRAWING WILL BE TAKING PLACE OVER AT DAILY MOMMY SURVIVAL. UPDATE: The winner was announced today at 5:30pm. See the above link for details....


Processing…..The first 24 hours…

So after a long, restless nights sleep (especially for Lizze) I have begun to process everything. The first things that pop into my mind is how are we going to survive this physically, emotionally and financially. We're barely surviving as it is. I know nothing fundamentally has changed but the dynamic has. Before today we had hope (admittedly little, but hope none-the-less) that Emmett would pull out of this or just start talking. I was hoping, praying that he was just going to start talking late little happens sometimes. I was hoping that if we planned for the worst and hoped for the best it we would come out on top. Part of me knew we wouldn't but that didn't matter. Now everything has changed. Where as before we were in "Let's figure out…


Just got back…….

Today has to be the worst day I have had since Elliott was in the NICU. We met with the doctor and she confirmed our fears... I can't tell you how hard it is to even type right now. I had to hold it together so I could drive home. Emmett is not "Non-verbal" Autistic but he isn't Aspergers either.  Basically he it's better then non-verbal but worse than Aspergers.  To be honest I had been thinking Aspergers but he is far to delayed developmentally she said. He isn't completely non-verbal as he has a few words. She said he makes eye contact but won't maintain it. So he is Autistic... I somehow thought it would be easier to knowing for sure but it isn't..... In truth, right now I…


Regrets: An honesty post

I woke up this morning with the knowledge that it may be the last morning I wake up not knowing for sure where Emmett falls on the spectrum. It's like a nightmare you can't wake up from. I was putting Emmett to bed last night. I found myself asking him to fight. Actually, I was more begging him to fight. I begged him not to slip away and to please still be "there" in the morning. I think that's what scares me the most. With Gavin we simply didn't know what was about to happen. I have so many regrets. With Emmett I don't want to make the same mistakes. I know the risks now and don't want to take 1 sec for granted. I want this time to be…


Any Questions?

My friend Stuart Duncan had a great idea the other day. Why not open up the blog to questions... What better way to spread Awareness then dispel any misconceptions about Autism and answer any questions anyone might have about raising children on the spectrum. So here you go. I will take questions about anything pertaining to the topics discuss on this blog and answering them as honestly as I can. What to know more about me, just ask. Want to know what raising an Autistic child is like , just ask. Maybe this will help to generate further dialog and promote Autism education and awareness...