Announcing the “Autism touches my heart” Facebook group-

i just created the "Autism touches my heart" group on Facebook. I hope you all consider joining... Here is a bit about me and the purpose of the group.. I am the father to 3 Autistic boys and creator of the Lost and Tired blog. My mission is to spread Autism Awareness and dis-spell the MANY misconceptions that exist about Autism by sharing my family's "real life" story. My writing is very honest and detailed about the struggles we face raising 3 boys on the spectrum. I am brutally honest about my feelings and experiences in an attempt to help people understand what Autism really is. I don't believe Autism is a blessing. My children are blessings but not the Autism. My family lives is a world where Autism dictates…


Digital Memories

I started ddoing "Digital Memories" a few years back. Basically I take your analog tapes (VHS only for now) and convert them to digital (DVD,BluRay,SDCARD,etc). I also provide more advanced options as well. For right now to keep things simple I will be doing 1:1 copies of VHS to DVD. This is a great thing to have done as it will preserve you precious memories. Analog tapes wear out and degrade. DVD's if properly stored can last decades.... What I am going to do in an effort to help cover the rising health care costs of my family is offer this service online from the first time. Until now. Have only done this in my local demographic. But things are changing and needs are growing so this is my plan.…


The week begins….

The kids are in rare form today. Lizze is still in a ton of pain and very nervous that the surgery will be cancled because of the meds during the ER trip last night. She had to go get checked out it could have been and heart attack or even a stroke. Thankfully it wasn't but we didn't know that at the time. I'm sure the surgery will go on as planned. I already started laundry and I'llc work on dinner in a bit. We have a meeting with Social Security today for Gavin's re-evaluation. This has to be done every 4 years I guess in order to maintain his benefits. I think we have everything in order as far as the kids go this week. They will be gone…


Lizze update

She got home a little while ago. They said she has neuropathy.  I need to research that. She was very clear she wasn't after drugs or pain killers but they insisted she get something to take the edge off so they were comfortable sending her home. They gave her steroids and pain killers until she can get back to pain management. We have to call Dr. D to make sure the surgery is still a go because of the steroids. The ER doc said it should be fine but check to make sure. Thanks for the prayers... Posted via midNIGHT powered Epic 4G by lost and tired


Emergancy room update

It appears that the pain is related to neuropathy and fibro. That's all I've heard. Trying to get 3 kids in bed at the same time and I just want to scream. Posted via midNIGHT powered Epic 4G by lost and tired


Emergancy Room… Please say a prayer

Lizze is off to the emergancy room. Her mom is coming to get her. She has developed unwed symptoms that concern me. She has a "new" type of pain and it's isolated to the left side of her body. The concern for me is the pain in her shoulder that radiates done her left arm. That is a classic sign of cardiac problems. When talking to her about it she has NEVER felt pain this intense. That also concerns me. As much as I want to go with her the kids need me here. She's in good hands with her mom. This is probably fibrous related but this is new for her and could be the sign of something very serious. Please say a prayer.... Posted via midNIGHT powered Epic…


The best layed plans…..

I had everything figured out. I was going to have the house ready and the laundry done prior to Lizze having surgery. Then the storm hit and the kids were home all week long. Nothing seemed to get done. Now I have to add grocery shopping to the list of things to do while I'm sick. We haven't been able to see the nutritionist about Emmett yet so I'll be flying blind at the store again today. Something has been sneeking into his diet cause he has been sick the past few days. So we need to be much more careful. Here is everything I need to get done: Clean the house Replace our badly broken couch Catch up on laundry Clean the kitchen Grocery shopping Figure out the final…