Schedule update

The surgery is going to take 3 hours. I thought it was supposed to take only an hour.... Happy thoughts, happy thoughts... Posted via midNIGHT powered Epic 4G by lost and tired


Surgery Update….

Sitting here is surgical waiting and the "phone" rings. Surgery just now started. It started 1.5 hours late but they didn't tell me why. That just makes me more nervous... Tom bad they don't have an "on time or it's free" policy. That would save us about $12,000.000. :-) See, I told you I'm stressed. I've lost my mind.  Posted via midNIGHT powered Epic 4G by lost and tired


The wait….

The wait has begun and I am sitting here sick to my stomach in a room all by myself. I was told when checking into the waiting room that it would be about 4 hours. I am typing this while watching NCIS and trying not to vomit.... Time seems to have slowed to the point of almost rolling backwards. I miss the kids, especially Emmett because I'm always with him.


Failed IV

The nurse was in here to put an IV in. Didn't go very well. They will try in surgery to get something. It has to be located below the AC and above the hand because of the type of surgery. On a side note I have put in hundreds maybe even thousands (I lost track) of IV's over the years. I would never have attempted what she did in a non life threatening situation. I found one that you could feel and see and an 18g would have been just fine. The nurse was very nice and felt really bad. I'm just really weird about this types of stuff. As a paramedic I would do that while going 75 MPH down the road with my partner hitting every pot hole…


We have arrived….

We have arrived and are waiting while she is admitted. It's about 90F in this room and I an starting to get a headache. Posted via midNIGHT powered Epic 4G by lost and tired


Thoughts Racing….

The surgery was pushed back 2 hours. It was at 9am now it's at noon. I'm sitting here starting to get really nervous. There are a multitude of things running through my head right now. I hate that she has to go through this in the first place. I know it's irrational maybe but I wish we had her medical history... Perhaps it wouldn't help with everything but at least I would feel like we had as many of the pieces as possible to help us make informed decisions. It's frustrating because I know where the history is but it's unattainable. I'm so tired of having to live with other people selfish decisions. We had it first with Gavin;s biological grandmother and now Lizze's biological mother. What is wrong with…


Everything is set

The kids are all gone at my parents.. We are trying to relax and watch a few movies. It took forever to get the kids ready. We got the kids ready and made sure all their specials requirements were packed and ready to go. It was a long trying process but the better we do the easier the transition. Posted via midNIGHT powered Epic 4G by lost and tired


Spreading Autism Awareness: An Honesty Post

I have been thinking of new ways to spread Autism Awareness and I have implemented a few of them. However, I always come back to the same answer. I think, in fact I truly believe that the best way to spread Autism Awareness is by "helping" people to understand. It's human nature to shut down when someone begins preaching to you and I think that the words then fall on deaf ears. Most people don't care what you have to say if you are trying to force your position on them. I honestly believe the best way to spread Autism Awareness is to "help" others to understand. Let me explain what I mean. When I was in high school I had the most amazing history teacher. I took his class…

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