Autism: The Toll

This is one of those posts where you will either love me or hate me for my thoughts. However, these are my thoughts and feelings on my blog. Maybe they can help someone... I know it's unpoplualar within the community to paint Autism in a negative light. We preach "acceptence" and "understanding"..  This is something that has always bothered me. It bothers me because Autism has not been a positive experience for me. Maybe I'm the minority or maybe I'm doing something wrong. Perhaps there is something wrong with me cause I don't see Autism as a "blessing". My experience with Autism has been one of loss, pain, heartache, fear, anger, desperation and frustration. I have 3 boys on the spectrum and with the exception of Elliott, Autism has done…


A struggle with Autism…

One of the toughest things about raising 3 Autistic kids for me is simply balancing out my time between them. It's really tough when each child literally requires your constant undivided attention. As you may have figured out, that's just not possible. Trying to figure out who gets what time and who doesn't is just as hard and unfair. To those out there with multiples on the sectrum, how to you balance your time.... Posted via midNIGHT powered Epic 4G by lost and tired

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Autism in “Real Life”: Meet the Gorski’s

I thought I would test this new idea on myself first to see how this goes. I have received several emails already so the response form the community is there. I just need to format it... So keep in mind I'm asking these questions to my self, so it'll be a little weird for all of us..... :) It will go something like this: Today I have the pleasure to introduce you to Rob Gorski and his family (I know this is weird but it won't be when I am introducing someone else). (Lost and Tired): How has Autism touched your life? (Rob): Autism has touch our lives in a very unique way. My wife and I have 3 boys. Gavin just turned 11, Elliott is 4 and Emmett is…


Lizze: Recovery update.

I have spoken with Lizze many times today. She is moving around but in a great deal of pain. I'm trying to get as much done prior to her returning home as possible. As it looks now, she "could" come home today. The problem is that they cannot seem to manage her pain. Because of the fibro everything is much worse for her as far as the pain goes. They will not allow her to go home while she in experiencing the levels of pain she is currently experiencing. She us physically recovering so that is a very good thing. So right now everything is up in the air. Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers...... -lost and tired

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What is Autism, in “Real life”?

I had this idea last night and I want to put it down before I forget. As I mentioned in "Spreading Autism Awareness: An Honesty Post" I think the best way to spread Autism Awareness and "help" people understand is to help them walk in our shoes for a little while. Since they can't "actually" walk in our shoes we have to figure out the next best thing and that is sharing our stories. I have been doing that for over a year now and have been met with tremendous positive feedback. I have since started a Facebook group called "Autism touches my heart". This is a safe place where parents can go and either share their stories or vent. The unique thing about this group is that most everyone…


That’s a wrap…..

Well today went off without much of a hitch. Lizze is good. The boys are good. Maggie survived ALL day alone and I made it home in one piece. Toothless gets his new order of crickets in the morning and I have some chores around the house to do. I'm hoping Lizze will sleep most of the day and rest up for her return trip home. I want to thank our parents for watching the boys. I also want to thank Dr.D and Aultman Hospital for their excellant care of my wife. I would also like to Thank all of you for the Tweets,posts and comments today and everyday. I really appreciate the thoughts and prayers. You all all amazing..... Thanksgiving again..... Lizze I love you please get some sleep…


She just got out….

Lizze just got out. She did really well. She will be in recovery for a few hours. Hopefully I can be with her by 6pm. She will hopefully be home in Thursday night but maybe Friday. Dr. D said recovery will be up to her body. Could be as soon as 7 days or as long as 2 months. She will also be be on Lovanox for 6 weeks in order to prevent or reduce the risk of blood clots.  Lizze's mom is here and we are waiting for the word that Lizze is awake. Posted via midNIGHT powered Epic 4G by lost and tired