Autism in “Real Life”: The Leaman Family

Welcome to another edition of Autism in "Real Life". Today I'm please to introduce to you the Leaman's. I asked Pam the same series of questions about how Autism has touched her family's life. Below is Autism through her eyes.. (Lost and Tired): How has Autism touched your life? (Pam): Autism has touched my life in many positive ways!  It's turned me into an eternal optimist so I want to share the up side of the journey.  Autism taught me to have patience with my son, my girls and the people in my every day life.  It brought amazing teachers, parents, advocates, and other kids on the spectrum into my world.  Autism put me on a career path that I never had imagined for myself!  Autism has given me the courage…

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Raising Autism Awareness: 1 phone at a time

PPCGeeks helped me spread Autism Awareness today... . I was interviewed by today. As you may know I'm an Android developer in my "spare" time. I have been incorporating Autism Awareness into all of my projects.... I was interviewed and featured today in their developers spotlight (which is quite an honor for me). They wanted to know my story as well as things about my development projects. PPCGeeks gets a ton of traffic and so tons of people will learn a little something about Autism today. My pet project the "midNIGHT ROM" developed exclusively for the Samsung Epic 4G. My ROM has been downloaded many thousands of times. Each person that uses it learns something about Autism in a very unique way... That's thousands and thousands of people who are…


The day has begun..VERY early

Emmett got up about 5am. Going back to sleep is not in the cards for to me today. Although, Emmett does appear t be feeling better..... Posted via midNIGHT powered Epic 4G by lost and tired


Good night world…

Well everyone is sleping in Lost and Tired land. Elliott came down "very" concerned that his boogers were red. Once hat crisis was resolved the rest of the rest of the night was a breeze..... Posted via midNIGHT powered Epic 4G by lost and tired


My poor little man….

Emmett John I so hope you are feeing better in the morning and not just because if you are you get to hang out with grandpa and daddy gets a break..... Posted via midNIGHT powered Epic 4G by lost and tired


Maggie, clean up in isle 3

I love Maggie I really do. I love the fact that she is there to clean up all of "life's little messes". The kids drop food and she is right there like a super hero vacuum clear to suck it right up. If the kids spill a drink she's right there to lick it up without even being asked. Tonight when Emmett puked up his dinner all over the floor she fought her way through the ensuing chaos to clean up "life's little mess". Actually, I don't know if I should love her for that or be disgusted by it........ Oh and Emmett is feeling much, much better now that he pee'd in the bath water. You'll be please to know that he is now resting comfortably in bed probably…


It’s 103.1F…..

A some point last night Emmett spiked a fever. This morning I got to use my new thermometer on the baby.. He is running a fever of 103.1F.... So Tylenol is now on board and I will have to get some children's motrin today.  Needless to say it was a VERY long night for daddy..... We are going to have cancel 2 appointments today and then reschedule the doctor from Case Western that is supposed to evaluate  Emmett in the morning......