To stressed out to write…..

Lately I have been slacking off on the blog. I usually post a few time a day but lately things have just been to bad. Elliott is starting to show signs of ADHD. Although it could (and hopefully is) anxiety. Emmett is completely out of control and becoming more and more dangerous to himself. Gavin is doing ok for the most part but still struggling. Lizze is slowly recovering. She is in a lot of pain all the time. My back is completely out. I haven't been able to get away and walk for 6 months now.  I was walking 30 miles a week and my back was doing much better. Now it's broken again. I'm beginning to crack under all the pressure. I am so completely worried about everything. …


Autism in “Real Life”: Meet Jen Bush

Welcome to another edition of Autism in "Real Life". Today we will be looking at Autism through the eyes of the Jen Bush. Jen is an fellow blogger and you can have the pleasure of reading Anybody Want A Peanut? right now... well read her story first..then go read her blog. You can also find her on twitter (wantapeanut). . . Here is the button to her blog: . . . . What does Autism look like through Jen's eyes? . . (Lost and Tired): How long has Autism touched your life? (Jen): My son, who is now 3 1/2, was diagnosed at age 2 with Autism Spectrum Disorder. (Lost and Tired): What type of impact does Autism have on your family's life? (Jen): Right now, autism affects everything. My son cannot…


Houston we have a problem…

I have been meaning to talk about this but with everything else going on I keep putting it off. For the past few months Emmett has been wrapping things around his neck. Gavin came home from school one day with a scarf he made in class. Ever since then Emmett has been fascinated with wrapping things around his neck. This is quite concerning for obvious reasons. We have pulled lamp cords, phone chargers and pieces of string (just to name a few) off from around his neck. When I say wrapped around his neck I mean like "WRAPPED" around his neck. He will unplug something and wrap the cord 3 or 4 times around his neck. I have no idea how to deter this because if we handle it wrong…


Things Elliott Says….

Elliott was trying to pee this morning. When he left the bathroom he came into my bedroom to give me a hug and kiss. As he was hugging me he wispered in my ear "daddy I forgot to wash my hands" as his hands are on my face. To which I respond with Elliott Richard get your "pee hands" off my face, jokingly. So we are clear I said "pee hands". Well Elliott giggled ad ran out to go wash his hands. He ran into Lizze along the way and said mommy guess what daddy said. Lizze says "Elliott what did your daddy say". Elliott is walking out of the bathroom. He giggles and says "daddy told me to get my PENIS of his face".....sigh... I looked at Elliott and…


Elliott update

Elliott does not have a UTI. That's really good news. We were at the doctors for a few hours waiting for him to pee. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers... Posted via midNIGHT powered Epic 4G by lost and tired


Trouble in Elliott world…

Elliott may have UTI. Not a good thing for anyone, let alone a guy. Then factor in Aspergers and this could be a disaster. We go in first thing in the morning. If it gets any worse tonight off to hosital we will go.....sign... I just knew it ws going to be one of those days.

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God hates me….I just know it.

I must have done something in my that was really bad because no matter what I do I CANNOT get any sleep. Emmett was up most of the night with a fever again. That makes him...we'll say..a bit difficult (can't blame him really). I'm just so tired my eyes are burning and my head is hurting. I have to much to do today and can barely move.