Not looking forward to today….

We have to get Elliott of to school as usual. Shortly after that Gavin has his 11 year appointment at the pediatrician. The kicker is that he's getting shots, at least 2, and possibly 4. This is NOT going to go over well. One shot....mayber but more then that is going to cause Gavin to go over the edge. It will take many people to accomplish this. When he was younger it would sometimes take up to 6 or 8 people to hold him still long enough to get this done. I have having to do that but the vaccines are to important not to. This will be much more challenging because he's already disorganized and so he will less control over himself. He's also much stronger now. The problem…


Therapy…it’s good for the soul

Yesterday was one of the toughest days in recent history for me. I took Elliott and Emmett in and/or out of their carsets 28 times yesterday. I actually sat down and figured that out. Anyway, I do enjoy meeting with Dr. Pattie for the boys therapy. The boys get out and get to play in the big play room and daddy gets another "adult" to talk to.


Bridging the gap…

There is a divide within the Autism community between those with high functioning Aspergers and those with lower functioning Autistic kids. Why do you think this is? I have my opinions but I would love to hear yours. How do you guys think we can bridge the gap?


Sometimes Autism hurts……

Emmett got a hold of Elliott's face this afternoon. As usual it was unprovoked. I used to think that Emmett did this out of frustration but that's clearly not the case. Sometimes I wonder if there is any rhyme or reason to this behavior. I know that we have tried everything short of corporal punishment (and that is a line we will NOT cross) and nothing seems to help. Please don't leave comments advocating corporal punishment either. You can't teach a child to stop hitting someone else by hitting them. Autism comes with many complications, especially for us. Sometimes they are "simple" texture or sensory issues and sometimes they are much more serious. Every day we do our best to shield the other boys from Emmett's violent outbursts but many…


Grocery shopping with Gavin…

                      Today I had to go grocery shopping. Gavin was along for the ride so I used the opportunity to teach him a few things. We only had a short time between dropping off and picking up the boys so we had to be quick. I put Gavin in charge of the grocery list. It was his job to tell me what we needed and once we got it, to scratch it off the list. These are skills he needs to learn. He did a pretty good job. He didn't like the fact we had to go out of order but he coped pretty well. I also had him focus on paying attention to everyone and everything around him. He…


It’s not over yet……

I have to leave in a few minutes to go to meet with Elliott's teachers. I'll have all the kids with me, so this will be difficult. Then I will load them all up again and head to see Dr. Patti. Then back home to bathe, medicate and put them all to bed for the night. Then I have laundry and an Android project to work on. I also need to get caught up on this blog and then try to get some sleep tonight. At some point tonight I have get my parents car so I can get the van back into the shop.......AGAIN.


Complications in life…

Today is going to be insanely busy. After Lizze took Elliott to school she had to take her meds. Unfortunately, that means she'll sleep through the rest of the day. Gavin is on Spring break this week so I'll be bringing him along with me ALL day long. I have to have Emmett at therapy by 11am. Then we come for 30mins before driving him all the way to school. Then Gavin and I have to go grocery shopping and finish up in time to pick up Elliott from school. Then we have to ALL go to pick up Emmett ad come home for about an hour. Then I will pack up all the kids and go to Elliott's teacher conference. The go home and feed them dinner (super fast)…