One voice isn’t enough…

Autism is a profoundly dynamic developmental disability. This means that Autism affects each child and their family in a different way. Like snowflakes no two Autistic kids are the same. Likewise the impact on the family unit is just as different. So it would stand to reason that one voice or even a handful of voices would not be able to accurately represent what Autism is to the rest of the world. So why do we let this happen? Why do we let others speak for us? In order to spread true Autism Awareness we NEED a culmination of voices. Part of the reason Autism Awareness is SO ineffective is that we let others speak for us far to often. I don't want someone in a vastly different situation to be…


Autism and Influence

In general Autistic kids can be VERY easily influenced even by each other.  This can present a problem if one child is more aggressive then the other. In my case Gavin self-injures. He used to be VERY aggressive towards people but not for the past 6 months or so. As I said, he does self-injure and that is presenting a BIG problem that came to a head this morning. Elliott WORSHIPS Gavin and has a tendency to "model" his behavior as well. That is where we have a problem. Elliott is witness to Gavin's self-injurious behavior on a regular basis despite our attempts to shield him from it. Gavin gets very aggressive with himself whenever he gets frustrated.  He has scratched open his forehead and left bruises all over his body. This…

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Autism and generalization

One of the things I struggle with in working with Gavin is generalization. It's pretty common in Autistic kids and definitely an issue with Gavin. Here's an example of what I mean. If you were to take a "typical" child to a store like Walmart or Target and bought them a toy they would likely be excited. If you took Gavin to the store and bought him a toy he would also be excited. The difference is that Gavin would then expect a toy every time he went to the Walmart or Target. He generalizes going to the store and getting a toy. It only takes one time for this to happen and we have spent a considerable amount of time and energy working with this. Generalization carries over into…


Autism, Autism, Autism and Fibromylgia

As many of you know (and maybe some of you don't) Autism is a profoundly dynamic disorder. There are many sides to Autism. Some kids and families do just fine. Some families, mine included, struggle each and every day. Today is the worst day I can remember in recent history. I am so overwhelmed and stressed out that I just can't function properly right now. I'm at the point where I just want to beat my head into the wall just to make it all stop. Let me start by saying that I am FAR from perfect. In fact sometimes I'm as FAR from perfect as one can be. I loose my temper and raise my voice far to often. The reality is that I'm human. I'm a human that…


Elliott Art

Here is some of Elliott's artwork he wanted to share with you all. Posted to WordPress via Autism Aware and midNIGHT ROM powered Epic 4G


Clozapine update

We heard from Dr. R yesterday. He has made the arrangements with the pharmacy and they will receive their supply of Clozapine for Gavin on Monday morning. That means we will have to have blood work done on Monday morning in order to get the results in time to begin the new medication on Monday. We have yet to discuss this with Gavin as the anticipation of the blood drawl will cause him a great deal of anxiety especially when we don't know for sure when it will happen. We also received instructions for stopping his current medication, Zyprexa. Hopefully this will be a very smooth transition without any hiccups.


Emmett is hard at work….

Emmett is hard at work writing his own story. He wants to be just like his big brothers Gavin and Elliott. Isn't he just 2 cute.                       -lost and tired   Posted to WordPress via Autism Aware and midNIGHT ROM powered Epic 4G


10 Things my Autistic kids wished you knew

Written by me, Rob Gorski (Lost and Tired) and dedicated to my amazingly beautiful children.  I’m sorry I have fits but I’m not a spoiled brat. I’m just so much younger on the inside than I am on the outside. I’m easily overwhelmed because I see and hear everything. I hear the lights hum and clock tick. Everything is so loud it makes my head hurt all the time and my eyes hurt from all the bright lights. I’m not stupid, I’m actually very smart. I just don’t learn the way you want me to. Please learn about Autism so you know how to help me better understand what you are trying to teach. Please don’t be mad at mommy and daddy because we don’t come over for holidays or birthdays. They…