Clozapine has been met with further delays….

We went to pick up the Clozapine prescription this morning and we were met with more "red tape" and further delays. Apparently Dr. R must have omitted a signature somewhere because the manufacturer wouldn't release the medication to the pharmacy. Dr. R was out of the office today so we could not get this addressed today. Hopefully this will get fixed first thing in the morning. We did find out that the blood work results are good for 7 days, so we don't have to worry about having to redraw his blood again. Hopefully everyone can get it together so we can get this done and get Gavin the help he desperately needs. This has been quite complicated already and we haven't even started the Clozapine yet. Here's to hoping tomorrow is the day for new medications.  …


Why is Emmett in such a hurry?

Why is Emmett in such a hurry? Emmett has decided he is going to "sometimes" use the big boy potty. So he says potty and stips to his diaper. Then drops the diaper on the floor and runs to the bathroom where he will ACTUALLY pee in the potty. We still have quiet a long ways to go. I also realize that this could stop at any point and go backwards as well. However, I'll take what I can get. Anything is progress...


Please say a prayer…

Lizze is at the hospital. Lizze's has had a severe migraine for almost 2 weeks straight now. Tonight I put my foot down and MADE her go to the hospital. I called her mother and made the arrangements for her to take her because I have to have the kids in therapy tonight. She should have gone a long time ago but she's uncomfortable going to the hospital anymore. This insanity has got to stop. She has the right to NOT be in pain. Anyways, please say a prayer that they take her seriously and actually treat the migraine (if possible) and not just throw pain killers at her.   Thanks   - lost and tired

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Autism in “Real Life” UPDATE

Folks,   It's been a while since I did another Autism in "Real Life" post but I would like to get that going again. If you are interested in participating please send me an email to: Please put Autism in "Real Life" as the subject (for the email filter). I will send you the list of questions and get it published. I truly believe the best way to spread Autism Awareness is by sharing our stories, both good and bad.   Thanks   -lost and tired   Links to previous installments of Autism in "Real Life"  


Clozapine was delayed Monday…

We were due to begin the Clozapine yesterday but ran into a snag. For some reason the we had not been added to the "registry" (yes...there is actually a registry for Clozapine).  properly. Gavin did get his first of many blood drawls done yesterday. I told him that it was ok to be scared or afraid. It was ok to be nervous. However, it was not ok to hit, kick or scream at the lab techs. I explained that if he could be VERY brave and do his best to keep control over his body I would take him for ice cream when we were done. Gavin was nervous and started to panic in the moments leading up to the actual blood drawl but did not require much assistance to hold him down.…


Special time with Emmett

Yesterday we went to the farmers market to buy fruit and veggies. Lizze hasn't been out in a while so the walking was rough on her to say the least but we got lots of fruit for the kids to munch on. Great deals like an entire flat of strawberries for $2. We got to also spend some time with Emmett. We focused on using ASL with him. He's getting really good with colors and seems to be able to count to 5 (just not consistently but ANYTHING is progress). If you are NOT a special needs parent and even if you ARE, PLEASE DO NOT take anything for granted. Not even the LITTLE stuff. -lost and tired Posted to WordPress via Autism Aware and midNIGHT ROM powered Epic 4G


Story time with Gavin: My Autistic son reads to you :)

For those who haven't seen the this earlier, Gavin is very busy creative writing. I offered to record him reading the story so he could watch himself. We decided to post it on the blog because Gavin wants to share this story with all of you. So basically, my Autistic 11 year old decided to step outside of his usual comfort zone to do this for all of you. So I'm  supporting that idea because I think he will grow from this experience and it makes him feel good about himself. Please feel free to leave him POSITIVE feedback. For anyone who has never met anyone with Autism, just watch the videos and you will. Thanks This is volume 1. It's divided into 2 parts:   Mario Party 9: The adventure…


Today is new medication Monday

We should be starting the Clozapine at some point today. I had a talk with Gavin about the blood work that would be required every week. He didn't seem to bothered by it but it may not seem real until it actually happens. I explained how this medicine will help the voices and "scary thoughts" go away. He didn't freak out or anything like that. However, to be completely honest, he has probably already forgotten about the conversation. He's already off to a pretty rough start this morning. I thought it best not to remind him and add anxiety to the mix. I truly hope we are making the right decision by doing this new medication.  Posted to WordPress via Autism Aware and midNIGHT ROM powered Epic 4G

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