Easter “Break” starts early…..

Easter "break" started early for the Lost and Tired family. Elliott is home sick......again. They all have no school today or tomorrow. Gavin's got a 4 day weekend and Elliott is off for Spring/Easter break next week. Emmett will return to school next week as well. It's going to be a VERY long weekend..... - Lost and Tired


Autism in “Real Life”: Meet Jen Troester and her amazing family

Welcome to another edition of Autism in “Real Life”. Today we will be looking at Autism through the eyes of the Jen   Jen has a really great blog titles "Living Life, with a side of Autism" where she writes about her family and their journey. You should add her to your blog roll. Jen and her husband Kai, have two kids. Katie is 7 and Ben is 4. Katie is diagnosed PPD-NOS. Below are some links and buttons. Click one and be magically transported to her bog and twitter account. She likes twitter and honestly who doesn't? So follow her if you would like to keep up to date on her adventures.   Follow her on twitter @JenTroester       I asked Jen a series of questions about…

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Autism: The journey

When you have reached the end of your journey you will finally realize that you were never the teacher. Your child has been the one teaching you all along. Everything that you are now is a result of all your child has taught you along the way.


Autism and the sacrifices we make….

When you have an Autistic child tooth brushing is a challenging task. Sometimes you can't find a way to get them to either brush their own teeth or let you brush them yourself. Other times it just requires a bit of outside the box thinking. Emmett doesn't like his own toothbrush but LOVES mine for some reason. I'm not one to share things like this but if it gets him to brush his teeth then we roll with that. Sometimes you have got to do what you got to do..... - Lost and Tired

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There are “breaks” and there are “BREAKS”

As a special needs parent one of the things we NEVER get is a break. We just push ourselves through the exhaustion and sometimes pain just so we can do it all over again the next day. The kind of breaks we do get we could REALLY do without. I'm declaring shenanigans of Easter/Spring "break".  Can you say "bait and switch" or "false advertising"... If you use the word break in a sentence when speaking to a special needs parent you should be sure to specify WHO is ACTUALLY getting the break, because it certainly isn't us. When someone tells me that "Easter/Spring breaks starts tomorrow", my response is "HELL YEAH!! It'a about damn time. I'll have the kids packed up and ready to go. What time are you coming by to…


Just so you know……

Just so you know, Gavin coined the phrase "Easter break". He informed me this morning that "today is my last day of school before what I like to call Easter break". He is convinced that he is the first person to ever call the period of time that occurs over Easter, "Easter break". He reminds me of Peggy Hill from the show "King of the hill". She was always taking other peoples well established ideas and taking credit for them. Gavin just kills me sometimes. However, since Gavin is the creator of the term "Easter break" (at least in his mind) we should be seeing some royalties or licensing fee's, right? Yeah...we're saved ;) 


Hello Wednesday..

Dear Wednesday, Please be kind to us today. Tuesdays was not really good to us. Wednesday, I'm hoping that you will bring with you Gavin's new medication and some peace for Lizze from her 2 week old migraine.  Wednesday, if your just going to bring us more problems like Tuesday did, I'll have to take comfort in knowing that Thursday is right behind you, hopefully bringing with it better luck.


Lizze is home from the hospital..

Lizze is home and resting in bed. The hospital gave her some injections that were supposed to at least help with the pain and nausea. Unfortunately, the attempt was unsuccessful. She still has the migraine but the meds did make her sleepy so hopefully she will get some rest tonight and maybe wake up migraine free for the first time in 2 weeks.