Happy Easter 2011

We just got home after only a brief family visit that ended because Gavin was getting VERY anxious. Now we have 3 seriously overstimulated kids and 2 extremely exhausted parents.  Praying the kids go down without much struggle tonight. I hope to catch up on some posts I been working on and sneak in a few more episodes of Lost (just started season 4). Hope everyone had a really good holiday.. - Lost and Tired



Today is a bitter sweet. We will "actually" be going to a family get together today for the first time in quiet a while. I say bitter sweet because Emmett won't be with us. Last night Emmett spent the night at Lizze's parents house so we could have a desperately needed break. They are keeping him today and taking him to Easter dinner. Lizze, myself and the other 2 boys will be going to my family's for Easter dnner. We weren't going to go because we would just spend the entire time chasing Emmett around and Lizze can't physically do it. It would end up falling mostly on me and I could do that at home. People always tell us that they will help us if we come but it…


I have a post being published next week.

"My Broken Heart: The bare handed man" will be published next week on The Thinking Person's Guide To Autism. You also find them on Facebook as well. I'm honored that they felt my story was worthy of sharing. I'll post the links when I get them. That's so much for helping me share my story.


Special needs kids and medication management

Many special needs children are on medications for various behavioral or medical conditions. This really isn't any big secret. However, what many people don't know is how difficult it can be to manage it sometimes. In our case Gavin is on 8 or 9 different medications for several different problems. We have mood stabilizers, anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic, meds to help with the movement disorder and meds to help him sleep. He metabolizes medications EXTREMELY fast so they are constantly changing. I wrote in Special needs parenting and the "tough decisions" the other day about a MAJOR medication change on the horizon for Gavin. We are starting the medication called Clozapine.  This is a anti-psychotic medication and also the MOST TIGHTLY controlled medication in the entire United States.It requires weekly blood work in order to get the…

Read more about the article How YOU could help a Special Needs Parent
Daddy and Emmett

How YOU could help a Special Needs Parent

As the rates of #Autism continues to skyrocket, the likely hood of you knowing someone that is a special needs parent is growing as well. Maybe you already know someone with a special needs child. Perhaps, a friend or family member.In this article, I hope to give you some simple ways that you can help the special needs parent in your life. Knowing what to say or do can be daunting for someone that doesn't have experience with special needs parenting. This is probably where many people, with the best of intentions, get scared off. Seeing what a special needs parent goes through can be a very overwhelming experience for anyone. It may even seem so dire that one might feel that they have nothing to offer, that could possible…


Migraine Hell…

I posted the other day that I made Lizze finally go to the hospital the other day for the migraine she's had for almost 2 weeks. At the ER they managed to break she migraine but it only lasted half a day. She has returned to migraine hell once again. I spoke with her neurologist this morning and they said we have 2 options left, occipital nerve block and headache infussion. The occipital nerve block involves 3 deep injections into the back or side of the neck. The headache infussion is done over 3 days. Lizze will be hooked up to an IV and pumped full of narcotics for 8 hours at a time. She will do this for 3 days. The point is to break the migraine and identify…

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Loving Lampposts: Living Autistic

Loving Lampposts: Living Autistic   Recently I was contacted by Cinema Libre Studio. They have just released the documentary "Loving Lampposts: Living Autistic" and would like for me to review it here on my blog. I feel that's quiet an honor and I'm really excited. My review copy should arrive any day now. I'm thrilled to be asked to do this, especially for a film like this. Autism is something that touches my life everyday. I'm excited that someone has taken the time to do something like this and shine the spotlight on Autism because it touches so many people. Stay tuned to read my full review in the coming days.  For more information on this film check out the links below.   Official Trailer Loving Lampposts Trailer from Loving…


Everyday Lessons: Problem Solving and Teamwork

My kids are Autistic we all know that. As much as I believe the world needs to be more accepting of my kids it may never happen. It's my job to prepare my kids to survive and if possible even thrive in this challenging world we live in. In order to do that I have to think outside the box. My kids are ALL VERY intelligent but can get "tunnel visioned" much to often and fail to see what's going on around them. My goal is to teach them to happy, healthy and productive members of society. So with that said, I have decided to take a slightly different approach to things with the boys. Traditional discipline has NEVER worked with my kids. Maybe it's an Autistic thing or maybe…