Walking stick…

We are out picking Lizze's new cane up. Elliott was asking what we doing there. I explained we were getting something to help mommy walk. He asked why mommy needed help walking. I said her legs hurt and the cane helps her to keep from falling and makes it easier to walk. He looked at me perplexed and said, how does the cane help her walk? I thought about it a second and said it's like a walking stick Elliott (he knows what that is or so I thought). He looks at me like I'm an idiot an says, daddy, here's the thing. I understand how it helps mommy. I don't understand how the stick walks by itself?  - Lost and Tired Posted using my Epic 4G on the fly…


Waiting for Emmett

Yesterday Elliott went with me to take Emmett to school. For a little while we hung out in the "family room" so he could play. Emmett attends EastGate, a school for kids with developmental disabilities. He seems to be doing very well there. It's actually right next door to my old high school. - Lost and Tired Posted using my Epic 4G on the fly and without the use of proper editing tools.


Everyday Lessons: Helping hands

As special needs parents we need to take everyday opportunities and use them as a means with which to teach our Autistic kids. Everyday lessons can help our kids to be better prepared for life's everyday challenges. I try each day to teach my kids at least one thing each day. Maybe it's a new skill or just practicing a current skill. I try to include them in activities around the house in order to show the how things are done. Regardless of my approach, my kids benefit from our time spent together.....as do I. Yesterday I was cleaning up my computer. We use it for EVERYTHING and so it's important to properly maintain it. Our house is old and dusty so I regularly hookup the compressor and blow all…

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“Guy time”

Elliott was along for the ride today. He did really well so while we were waiting for Emmett I took him for ice cream cone. While we were there Elliott began playing the games McDonalds has. He was tearing it up on the memory game. It was a pleasant break to an otherwise difficult day. - Lost and Tired Posted using my Epic 4G on the fly and without the use of proper editing tools.


LITTLE ears hear BIG things

I don't think it's any secret that we are struggling. I have been pretty open about our financial issues as well as other physical health issues. While I have shared them here on this blog with you I do my very best to shield the boys from them. I don't want them to know just how bad things are. Lizze and I go to great lengths to ensure the kids are blissfully ignorant of these issues. Autistics kids can be VERY sensitive and prone to anxiety so we don't want them worrying about grownup things. Despite our best effort to shield them from these topics we clearly are missing the mark. Elliott told me something today that tells me just how perceptive he can be. He was asking about the van and why we aren't…


Speech Therapy

Elliott went with me to take Emmett to speech therapy. We were met with bad news. Insurance will ONLY cover 7 visits this summer. That's not going to work because Emmett needs to get therapy twice a week as requested multiple times already. Right now he's going once a week and it isn't enough. From this point forward we don't even get to go once a week. I WILL BE choosing to fight this battle and if necessary wage war to get him what he needs. This sucks because we are not in a position to take on any more stress. However, Emmett needs help and if we have to fight for it then so be it.  - Lost and Tired Posted using my Epic 4G on the fly and…

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Gavin’s medication woe’s

As many of you know, Gavin started on the medication Clozapine last week. He seems to be handling it pretty well. I messed up yesterday by forgetting the morning dose but I was able to fix it so we didn't have to start over. Lizze and I did some further research into the possible side effects and discovered that delirium is a possible side effect. That compounds our concerns because we have begun noticing changes in Gavin. He is appearing more confused then normal. He's not remembering dates like he could normally. I was asking him things about his birthday last year that he couldn't remember. This is VERY unusual for him. The question is whether or not the medication is at work here. He was already decompensating prior to the…


Today’s agenda: 4/26/2011

With the van sitting dead in the driveway things have become a bit more complicated. My parents are nice enough to let us borrow their car. It solves one problem while creating another. My mom needs the car to work so today I will be literally driving much of the day. I have to get Gavin to school (fully medicated this time). Then I have to take Emmett to therapy. I will leave therapy and immediately go to my parents house to take my mom to work. Then I have to take Emmett in the opposite direction to go to school. I'll wait there for 2 hours and then we will go to pick up Gavin before returning home. Emmett will be dropped off at home and Gavin and I…