I just don’t get it…..why?

I feel like we are a "good" family. I feel like we have a great deal of challenge in our lives. What I don't really get is why we just can't catch a break. I spent yesterday driving all over to get the kids everywhere they needed to go. We ended our day at the doctors getting Gavin's blood work done for this week. On the way home I pulled up to an intersection under construction. I was getting ready to turn right and head home. This intersection is all torn up and the right hand lane I was turning into is VERY narrow at the moment due to the construction. As I was making my right hand turn the van "shook" and then died. It wouldn't start again. I…


I shouldn’t be so quick to judge….

The other night I posted about a very hurtful comment someone made about my family. You can read that here. I received a message this morning and this is what it said:   From Rockwood: "I'm not sure where to put this, so I'm just going to place it here. I'm the sister of ThyGuyX and I'm again horrified to see what he has said here. We were informed that this was happening this morning by a friend who stumbled upon a alarming rant my brother left on a forum he frequents. I can't begin to apologize for the actions of my brother, just as I can't begin for the other sites we found in his web history. The only consolation I can give you is that he will never…


Autism, self-injury and “outside the box” thinking.

Most of you are aware by now that Gavin is REALLY struggling with self-injury. What set's Gavin apart from some other kids on the spectrum is that his self-injury is a choice and not a compulsion. By choice, I mean he does it as a means of manipulating a situation. The is simply a fact and not really open to interpretation. Some people may not agree with that but it has been PROVEN time and time again. If Gavin were an only child then it would be more easily dealt with but because he's not a only child we are presented with a major problem. In many ways Gavin has more influence over Elliott and Emmett then we do. They WORSHIP him and model their behavior after him. This is where we…


It’s just me…

Here is a random picture of me. This was taken by Lizze after the migraine meds kicked in while we were at the ER the other day. Just thought I would post a pic of myself since I never do that.

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My 2 cents

Rob doesn't want me to stoop to ThyGuyX's level. He said that I should say my piece but not stoop that low. I'll be honest with y'all here; I don't know that I am capable of doing that. I know that of all the things I wanted my first "guest post" on Rob's blog to be about, some douche bag wasn't even on the list. Yet, here we are.   ThyGuyX, you are a douche bag. I won't refer to you with a "Mr." because that is giving you a level of respect that I don't feel you deserve. Period. You were coward enough to attack children. Yes, true, you did so through their parentage but you were attacking children nonetheless. How sad and bored you must be to sink…


IGNORANCE at it’s finest

A week or so ago I posted "PLEASE lose the word “retard” from your vocabulary". I basically asked people to lose the word "retard" their vocabulary. Now I realize there are "correct" uses for the word but I was making reference to persons with special needs. I was asking people not to use the word "retard" in reference to my kids in particular and any other person with special needs. Perhaps I've just been lucky but I have NEVER been attacked on this blog before....NEVER. That it until tonight. A someone posted the following comment in response to my blog post: "Let me get this straight... you have three retarded kids. That means that not only are you our your wife are making genetic failures, you kept right on breeding…


Happy Mother’s Day……have a meltdown with a side of drama

What Mother's Day would complete without a GYNORMOUS, "Happy Mother's Day" meltdown with a HUGE side of drama. All courtesy of Gavin. Here's what happened. Earlier today Gavin stepped on a Lego and cut his toe. It wasn't bad at all but it did bleed. Gavin DOES NOT respond well to the sight of blood. <Insert a HUGE portion of DRAMA here> So as far as Gavin's concerned he's bleeding to death and literally dying. Gavin started into his meltdown and had Elliott and Emmett terrified and hiding underneath a blanket on the couch with Lizze. I got Gavin settled down enough to clean up his foot and then I sent him to his room and told him to chill out for a while. Everything was cool after that. Lizze and the baby went to bed (for their late…


A fast train to pottyville

Emmett stayed dry ALL night long. He was in a diaper but woke me up at 6am this morning screaming "potty". I dragged myself out of bed and took him to the bathroom. He had already shed his diaper so I didn't realize it was dry until a little bit later. He still won't poop in th potty but that train will arrive a bit later.