A Loving Lampposts GIVEAWAY

LostandTired.com has partnered with Cinema Libre Studio to give away a FREE copy of the award winning film, Loving Lampposts: Living Autistic by Todd Drezner. Here is how we are going to play this game. I'm going to keep it VERY simple (for my benefit). All you need to do is leave a comment on this post. As EVERYONE will get ONE entry per comment. Comment as many times as you would like. I said I was keeping this simple....remember. The winner will be selected at random via Pick Giveaway Plugin for Wordpress. Also please feel free to "Like" my blog. The "Like" button is on the top right. This contest will run from the time this posts until Friday , May 27th @ 8pm. The winner will be announced in…


This one’s for you……Hugh

Hugh, this one is a bit older but one of my VERY favorites. I'm not sure if you have seen this but I thought you might like this one as much as I do. Emmett really likes to use the Kinect on our Xbox 360. He likes to make the people on the screen move my dancing and being silly in front of the camera. I hope you enjoy this one. :)   [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoLskUKxA5s[/youtube]


We now have 2 sickies…..

As I explained eariler, Elliott has what looks like the start of chicken pox. We had to cancel his party plans just in case he does turn out to be contagious. Not one for being out done, Emmett spiked a fever this afternoon of almost 102F. He has been VERY cranky and outwardly aggressive today. We need to get through this quickly because Lizze has her infusion therapy this week. She has waited a month for this and we need to make sure it happens. For those not familiar with our story, Lizze has had a severe migraine for almost 2 months now. The infusion therapy is an IV drip of a cocktail of meds. This is done over 3 days at 6 hrs per day in an attempt to…


Another day another adventure….

Lizze let me sleep in this morning :) She's not feeling well so I know it wasn't easy. Thanks honey. Gavin is already struggling today. I was up for 15 minutes and already had a Gavin situation to deal with. It's going to be one of those days. I can already feel it. Gavin "seems" to be unable to remember anything anymore. I say "seems" because I'm not convinced this is not manipulation or his way of trying to avoid the consequences of his actions. I find it difficult to believe that he conveniently doesn't remember if it means he did something wrong. It feels more like manipulation to me. What really makes it tough is that we don't punish for things outside of his control. I'm sure he's picked…


Helping Emmett communicate…..

I wanted to take a minute and share this with all of you. I know some of you out there are struggling with speech and language, much like we are with Emmett. I thought I would share one of the BIG ways we are working to overcome that obstacle. I know MANY people SWEAR by the iPad but MANY people simply can't afford it. So I want to show you how you can use the an Android powered smartphone to help your child with some of their challenges. Android is now more popular then the iPhone and WAY more affordable since there are tons of different models.  I personally use the Samsung Epic 4G from Sprint. Here is just one example of what you can do with Android.   Those of you following…

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Change of plans…..

I just noticed Elliott is breaking out in what MAY possibly chicken pox. These aren't bug bites and right now Elliott is the only one presenting. He has been fully vaccinated but that doesn't mean he won't get it. So unfortunately, the birthday party will be missed but not going is the right thing to do. Now we just watch and wait...... Update: There appear to be more starting out. We have 8 or 9 big ones and 5 or 6 little tiny ones.  


Some Random Emmett John

Emmett has a new little friend and his name is Hugh. Apparently, Hugh really enjoys watching Emmett's little videos. So I thought I would post some just for him and there also pretty stinkin' adorable. Thee are for you Hugh, I hope you enjoy them and Emmett says hello.   Hugh, this is Emmett shooting a basket. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOy90UTJ5OU[/youtube]   Hugh, this is Emmett looking for bugs. The person next to him is his big brother Elliott. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyzOsPs0RKg[/youtube]  


How About a bit of good news for a change

I chronical the experiences in our lives in the manner in which they happen. More often then not, it's bad news, well more like, not good news. On occasion, when the good stuff happens I want to make sure I share that as well. I'm very aware of how depressing this blog can be at times. However, I tend to look at it this way. Despite ALL that we are living through, we somehow manage to persevere. I think that's a very REAL positive. That's how I choose to look at the content of this blog. Now, as I mentioned before I do have some positive news to report. Earlier this week I make arrangements with Cinema Libre Studio to do a Loving Lampposts: Living Autistic give-a-way. I haven't figured out how I'm going…

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