Mommy and Emmett

I love these moments. The days are so chaotic and overwhelming. I think these moments are going to be the ones that I miss the most. Life passes us ALL by so very quickly. Please take advantage of the time you have and seize these moments. It will be one of those things you carry with you through all the hard times.  :) - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Gavin Crisis 6/20/2011

Lizze and I met with the social worker at Akron Children's Hospital this morning. Over all I feel it was a positive experience. They are still hung up on the oatmeal "issue" but they'll just have to get over it. They have Gavin in the "FYI" program, don't ask cause I don't know what "FYI" stands for. Basically, they have removed almost all social interaction and his time is literally spent reading and doing work. Gavin has spent the entire time trying to manipulate his way out of this "FYI" program and the doctors and staff simply aren't having it. So kudos to them. They said Gavin needs to have in-home behavioral therapy on top of everything else. The don't like the fact the oatmeal is the only form of punishment he…

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The Vault has been released

Between everything we had going on today, I managed to get the VERY basic store front up for the sale of The Vault. Visit The Vault for more details or to order The Vault medical binder for a child in you life. There was a great deal of time and effort involved in making this binder. Lizze had spent years trying to organize the boys ever growing medical records. Over time she created what would become The Vault. The Vault comes in two sizes (currently), 2" and 1". The 2" is designed with more room and intended more for children with special needs or other health related issues. The 1" is designed with the "typical" child in mind, as it is smaller due to the need for fewer doctors. The…


Mentally preparing….

This morning I'm preparing myself to meet with the social worker at Akron Children's Hospital. Why am I mentally preparing myself? In all likelihood, we will be once again met with resistance to our "outside the box" approach to Gavin. I'm not looking forward to this as I'm already stressed out enough as it is. I know many of you know but many of you may not know what it's like to be judged at every turn. Even well meaning people with the best of intentions judge us simply because they can't comprehend a world where a child would require this type of parenting. It's easier to believe that the parents are to blame. That is what we will be up against today. - Lost and Tired Please Vote for…

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Time with the boys

This was just one of those precious moments. Lizze was distracting the boys from missing Gavin. This enter on for a while but I only got the very end. I absolutely LOVE to hear them laugh. It does my heart good. [youtube][/youtube] - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


The imaginary world’s of Autism

I have mentioned on more than one occasion that typical consequences don't work with Gavin. Raising a special needs child can require outside the box thinking. This is a perfect example of what I mean. Yesterday while we were waiting for Gavin to be admitted I made sure it wasn't fun. I shut the TV off and did not let him order his "special lunch". He was angry at first but then simply retreated into his imaginary world. How do you work with that? That's not something we can take away from him. This is the problem we have been facing. How do you punish a child that doesn't care if you send him to his room or take something away. In our case, you replace what he's planning on…