They come is 3’s

First Gavin and now Elliott and Emmett are both awake. Elliott had a nightmare and Emmett isn't feeling good after today. It's about 1am and Elliott is back to sleep and in bed and so is Emmett. Hopefully they will both sleep through the night. - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Autism and obsessive thinking

Gavin is still awake at 11pm. He's awake because he is obsessively thinking about playing Elliott's DSi. This has been a long standing issue with Gavin and the reason we have limited his time with video games. Gavin can never just really be "into" something. He obsessed over it, whether it's lego's, video games or those little annoying hamsters (Kung Zub pets). He can't seem to find a nice little balance between liking something and becoming obsessed with it. It's s going to be a looooooooolong night. - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Emmett, Emmett.. We need to talk.

So Emmett has this thing with going potty. Sure he is potty trained but we still have a few things to work on. You see, Emmett can't go potty until he has completely disrobed. The funny part is that today while at the doctors he had to go potty 3 times and each time was the same routine. At least 2 times were false alarms.  Baby steps....... - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Fruit? Of course you can….

Lately Elliott has really been into fruit. So we are embracing that trend and allowing him to eat as much as he wants.......within reason of course. We have all but eliminated junk food and replaced it with apples, grapes and bananas. Veggies are still a problem but I feel this is at least a step in the right direction. I buy bananas by the pound, every few days and the kids, especially Elliott, are just inhaling them. They are eating dark red grapes and strawberries whenever they want a snack. We have even been freezing the grapes and the kids love eating those now. So I feel like we are making progress even if we still have a ways to go.  


Emmett and the vaccine debate

Today Emmett was due for 3 vaccines, MMR, Hep A and something else...can't remember. While I'm pro-vaccines I still like to talk to the doctor about them before they are given go our boys. I was introduced to a family that had a child seriously injured by the MMR. It's a real life situation and while I still don't think vaccines are linked to Autism I do know that some kids are seriously injured. These are well documented cases and my heart goes out to these families. Elliott was hospitalized after the MMR and so I have concerns about Emmett. Dr. H discussed those concerns and collectively we decided to split everything up. He received the other 2 vaccines today and the MMR as well as Elliott's chicken pox booster…


The ADHD evaluation

After a lengthy discussion with Dr. H and it was decided that right now it's just to early and he is to young to start medications. Dr. H is moving to ACH in August and so he wouldn't be able to manage things going forward. He's not comfortable starting something he can't follow up on. Besides, before Dr. H EVER puts a child on stimulants he does a full work up. So Elliott will be scheduled for his EKG in order to get some baseline heart information. The other side to this decision is that anxiety is involved as well as Aspergers so ADHD may not actually be the issue. Much of what we experience with Elliott could be anxiety and Aspergers mixed in with some "typical" behavior.....we have no…


Vitals are taken… 6/27/2011

The boys have both had their vitals taken and in a surprising turn of events, Emmett would not tolerate the BP cuff. ;-) Mommy is reading stories while the boys are getting restless...  sigh - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


We have arrived 6/27/2011

We just arrived at NCMF with Elliott and Emmett for the respective appointments. We will be here a while and have bloodwork and vaccines to look forward to.  I have no idea how this is going to go. Gavin is with my mom and she is taking him to OT so he doesn't miss his appointment. - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)