I was interviewed by WritRams.com

  I was contacted by WritRams.com for an interview a few days ago. WritRams.com is a great site and I would encourage all of you to not only check out my interview but also the site itself and add it to your blog roll. Thank you Jacqueline for helping to spread my message and my family's story. :-)   My interview can be read here


Preserving the family

The past few days have been pretty rough ones for Gavin. Last night he had a huge meltdown. He once again began to self-injure, biting,hitting and scratching himself. Today the struggle continued, as Gavin's choices lead to both Elliott and Emmett getting hurt. When he had his bloodwork this afternoon it was a complete disaster. Gavin was in pure drama mode and was so out of control that he made the lab tech jump while she was switching tubes. Lizze's mom called and we decided to send Gavin to stay with her parents for a little while. Sometimes you have to preserve the needs of the many over the needs few. Gavin right now needs to be in a different environment and we need the break. We will still struggle…


The RARE, quiet moments

On occasion, the Lost and Tired family has a few of those quiet moments many others likely take for granted. This was one such moment this afternoon. Elliott and Emmett were sharing a blanket and couch while watching The Care Bears on Netflix. While these momenta are quite rare and fleeting when they do arrive they are appreciated none the less. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G with out the use of proper editing tools and auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Autism’s “quirks”

Apparently, someone had spilled a tiny bit of water on the floor at the top of the steps. Emmett went into a panic and would not walk over or around the tiny spill. Instead he started to scream which lead to him sobbing. I had to go upstairs to physically pick him up and carry him over the little spill. I didn't even know what was wrong until I got up there and saw what was upsetting him. I'm not sure what this was all about but I would guess it's similar to his aversion to getting his shoes wet. Thought I would share this with you all today. I thought it was pretty interesting as I haven't seen this particular quirk before. Any insights?  


Everyday Lessons: Money Management

I have been saying for a while now that we have to seize every opportunity to teach our kids the lessons that will help them to not only survive life but succeed in life. I refer to them as "Everyday Lessons". We have been dealing with some issues with the boys, namely Gavin and Elliott. They have been saving their money for a while and I thought it would be interesting to take them to the Dollar Tree and let them each spend $3.00 however they see fit. I explained that they have a $3.00 budget and because the Dollar Tree has everything for only a $1.00 I was able to explain to them that they can pick out 3 things each. Gavin actually did the best and choose his…


Confessions of a special needs father: 7/11/2011

I thought I would update everyone as to how I'm doing. Last Wednesday I went to see my family doctor for a cholesterol follow up. The good news was that I managed to lower my LDL (bad cholesterol) by almost 40 pts. The bad news is that my HDL (good cholesterol) is WAY to low so I have to intensify my workouts a bit more. I also lost 10 lbs in 30 days. So that was kind of a shocker and it felt really good to hear that. Now for the honesty part. I had the uncomfortable conversation with my doctor about where I was mentally and emotionally. I felt that I was struggling and needed to get some help. I already talk to someone but that wasn't enough. I ask about being put back on anti-depressants…


Emergency Repairs

Yesterday, Lizze's 2 year old netbook crapped out on her. The screen went bad and she was quite devastated at the thought of being without lifeline to the outside world. So I decided to tear it down and rebuild it. I figured it was already broken so what's the worst that could happen. Happily the repair was a success and she is once again up and running. It will need replaced come tax return but it was survive till then. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G with out the use of proper editing tools and auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Can you tell the difference?

I wanted to take a second and share a bit more insight into special needs parenting. One of these suckers Emmett will eat and the other he won't. Can you tell which one is which? - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G with out the use of proper editing tools and auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)