Emmett had a LONG day

After a long tiring day of playing, screaming and yelling Emmett finally crashes. While sitting up on the couch AND fully clothed. :-)  Isn't he precious... - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G with out the use of proper editing tools and auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)

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The most dangerous mistake in Autism

One of the reasons I have this blog was to raise Autism Awareness for my own kids. I wanted to help dispel common misconceptions about what Autism is and how it can affect our children and families. What I have realized is that there are lot's of issues with Autism Awareness and the Autism community itself. I say this not to drum up hate mail (although that's probably unavoidable) or stir up ill feelings but instead to point out what I believe to be one of the most dangerous mistakes made when it comes to Autism. The most dangerous mistake in Autism What is this all too common and dangerous mistake, you ask? The answer is both simple and complex all at the same time.  The most dangerous, Autism related…


Autism? What are you talking about?

Emmett has made his triumphant return home from my parents house. What does he do the moment he arrives home? I'll give you 3 guesses but if you read this blog regularly, you'll only need one. That's right, he strips down to his skivvies. Clearly, he has had all he could take of his clothes today. Some people come home and have a drink or watch the game to unwind, Emmett sheds his clothes. Autism? Sensory issues? What are you talking about? Certainly none of that here. ;-) - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G with out the use of proper editing tools and auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote…


We actually got out

We actually made it out last night to see the last Harry Potter movie. We had a few hickups but it all turned out OK. My parents took Emmett and Lizze's took Gavin and Elliott. Thanks everyone for helping me pull this one off. Lizze had a great time and is currently trying to sleep off the migraine but she got to be there at midnight for the last movie. Thanks again. This doesn't happen very often. In fact I think the last time was 2 Harry Potter movies ago. It was a much needed break but I'm missing my babies ;-) - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G with out the use of proper editing tools and auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and…


Sensory Friendly Movies

Hey all. I thought it might be nice to provide a little something for the kiddos. So what I did was select a couple movies (that are kid friendly) and embedd them on a special page here. This way if your kids are looking for something to do maybe they could be entertained for a while watching one of these movies. We git rid of cable and satellite a few years ago now and live watching internet based TV. My kids LOVE being able to do this so I thought I would share this with all of you as well. The current movie line up includes Jonha A VeggieTales Movie and Little Nemo. Simply click the link belong or the Sensory Friendly Movies page at the top. You can make…


What do I mean by sensory issues?

I wanted to take a minute and explain a bit about the "sensory issues" or Sensory Processing Disorder I always refer to in this blog. Basically, a great way to think about this is remembering the story of The Princess and The Pea. If you recall the princess was able to feel the pea through all of the mattresses when no one else could. It's very much the same way for Emmett, accept with his clothes. Emmett is EXTREMELY sensitive to the way clothes feel on his skin. Again, this is why in most of the pictures and videos he isn't wearing many. While Emmett struggles with the feeling of clothes on his skin in general, he struggles the most with his shoes and socks. To him, not only are they uncomfortable…


Autism and Agression

We are having major issues with aggression. Emmett is becoming much more aggressive and Lizze, Gavin and Elliott are paying a very heavy price. Not sure if the pictures so the claw marks on Gavin's neck and Elliott's back. Elliott was also bitten on his left......um....butt cheek. Obviously, we don't have pictures of that. However, the bite was pretty bad, luckily it didn't actually break the skin but it's badly bruised. Lizze is also being assaulted as well. She's getting smacked and hit on a fairly regular basis. She has scratches on her face and neck. I don't know how to address these aggressive behaviors. Part of the problem with Emmett lies in his frustration with communication or rather lack of communication. This is one of the less than positive…


I was interviewed by WritRams.com

  I was contacted by WritRams.com for an interview a few days ago. WritRams.com is a great site and I would encourage all of you to not only check out my interview but also the site itself and add it to your blog roll. Thank you Jacqueline for helping to spread my message and my family's story. :-)   My interview can be read here